The little we know about Zooanthropic
history comes from the dark archives Tyron possessed and that Ogami reaved
upon his escape; however this is but a little fragment of knowledge that
does not clarify many points of our mysterious race. The origin of the
Zooathropic race, for example, ramains shrouded in mystery up to this day;
if there was an age when Zooanthropes ruled the earth or built a
flourishing society, we can only wonder... Nevertheless, this Mask seems
to cast yet another shadow upon the already clouded past of the
Zooanthropes. At first glance, the Mask seems to be made of wood, but at
tactil inspection results smooth and precious as porcelain, but it is as
resistent as steel... or perhaps even more... This is the Mask behind
Kain's sad youth: a friend of Kain's father brought it back from an
archeological expedition in Middle-America and asked him to watch over it
for he feared it held some terrible secret... He was right... The Mask
seems to call out for whoever posseses it to wear it... a Call Kain's
father gave into in the end. Wearing the mask has consequencies that
affect both body and mind: the body becomes stronger, perhaps even
stronger than a Glabro form, and gains regenerative abilities similar to
the Zooanthropic ones, the mind is warped much more than the body, however. Those who wore the Mask even only once, begin to experience
strange desires: not of blood and destruction, but of justice and
vengeance... However, this wish for justice ultimately grows into
obsession to the point that the world is no longer populated by people,
but only by sinners... Resulting in an universal hate for humankind (or
perhaps a too great love for it)... Wearing the mask results in a greater
physical boosting and a faster mental ravage to the point that a man can
reach Crinos form strength and perhaps even greater... But Mysteries don't
end here... in fact, when a Zooanthrope wears the mask, nothing like this
happens, instead, its powers are boosted without any side effects... Does
this means that the Mask was meant for a Zooanthrope to wear? Or that by
wearing it the "Right" people can become true Zooanthropes?... |
Granted: Once worn and activated,
every time the wearer takes damage he may spend Rage points to cancel lost
Healt Levels on a 1 to 1 basis. The player decides how many Rage points
are spent after the soak roll and these points don't count against the
limit of points that can be spent in a single round. The Mask also enables
the owner to boost his Rage by calling to mind teerifying thoughts of
anger and vengeance: by spending a point of Gnosis, the wearer may make a
Gnosis Roll (difficulty 5) and for every success he may add a point of
Rage to his temporary pool. Lastly the wearer of this Mask will never fall
prey of Fox Frenzy and may double his Willpower pool to resist fear
effects. The Mask powers do not seem to be limited to these ones but as
for now these are the only that surfaced. |
Mask fills the wearer with the Power of the Beast, a neverending energy
supply that boosts the wildest and fiercest aspects of one's spirit. If
properly commanded to do so (thing which a human cannot do) it can change
its shape into that of a simple piece of red cloth with two holes as
eyesockets: in this form, although it loses all of its powers, it can be
easily carried around. |