"In the Land of Manga and Anime, I see..."

"It's incredible how much people actually wish to be deluded... You just need to whisper the right words in the right ear... and les jeux sont fait! In this specific case, we are dealing with a young Zooanthrope ever searching for knowledge (hungry for power maybe better suites him?) who heard from a strange creature, that said to be the Devil itself, that he would find answers and new horizons in the country of the raising sun, just by following a mysterious "Fox with Nine Tails"... Would you believe it? He jumped on the first plane for a country where he won't understand a single word of what it's said and decided to follow the stranger's advice... Doesn't this sound like a really stupid Idea?"


Big in Japan

Mission Codename: InariFox Mission Type: Pleasure Cruise?
Risk Ratio: Trivial Credits: 2.000 Credits
Mission Area: Japan! Drop Point: Tokyo Airport
Method of Insertion: Standard Passenger Flight

Mission Briefing: Which briefing? Just go there and find this "Fox with the Nine Tails" whatever it is, without getting killed and without letting the world know about the Zooanthropes and the Scarlet Cobras, of course... Hope this doesn't turn out to be some weirdo Tyron super-experiment or some stupid Russian Fera Suprema trap, but, you know, the Devil would never send you in such a dangerous place, would he?

Special Guest: Damocle


Special Guest: Alice

Special Equipment: No Special Equipment Needed.
Primary Objectives:
  1. Survive your trip in Japan

  2. Find this "Fox with Nine Tails"

  3. Learn the Secrets you came for

Secondary Objectives:

Don't do anything stupid (Lucifer personal bonus)

S.O. Reward:  400 Credits
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