"Wicky Wicky Wa Wa..." "Ooooh Yeaaaah! It's cool this debriefing thing! I got one on my own... Cooool! So... This time Maddalena isn't around since the recovery of the kids was up to me... In fact, this is not a real briefing, this was no mission at all to be true: it's just that a few pups got caught by Tyron's dogs and I had a really hard time saving their butts! Anyway, nothing that I couldn't handle (Wicky wicky wa wa...); the problem is that the pups didn't even know they were on mission till the end of it and did not even realize there were Scarlet Cobras at all... poor babies.... Ehi, go see my last movie, it's super cool!"



Mission Codename: First Impact Mission Type: Insurrection
Risk Ratio: Highest Credits: 0 Credits
Mission Area: Sylicon Ville Drop Point: Sylicon Ville Prison
Method of Insertion: Tyron's Containement Train
Mission Briefing: Actually, this mission never had a briefing, at least not one where the protagonists were present. In fact, the mission objective was to help some newly discovered young Zooanthropes (Kain, Voltz, Ramon, Sion, Lara, Fey Lee and Solaar) to escape from an All-out chase from Tyron hunters. This could appear simple seen the man power the Scarlet Cobras can manage, but a similar attempt was already done earlier with the joining of Colt, Max and Aya, and in that event, even the concealed intervention performed by Cammy and Chun-Li led to the conflict between Colt and the Team. To avoid this, the team decided to keep their presence unknown as much as possible, trying to help the youngs from afar with suggestions and advice trying to leave it up to them every decision they made, so that they could move with their own legs. Of the security of the young fugitives's Rescue Points was incharged not less than Colt Logan himself, so that he could try to help them without repeating the "mistakes" that Cammy and Chun-Li made with him. The mission was particulary risky 'cause the youngs where not really military prepared, were overnumbered and overgunned by their rivals: floods of Tyron lackeys trying to enslave them to the Tyron Zooanthropes Collection Project. Even if they could be spared the horror of Tyron's capture, it remained to be seen if they would be strong enough in the end to accept their Zooantropic nature...
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