"Well this is the Situation..."

"Welcome gentlemen: two days ago, at 6.00 PM, the San Francisco General Hospital filed a strange report: a healty girl around 23 year old was taken in with emergency procedures after a stroke occurred while she was practicing. The subject was to that time healty and free of cardiocirculatory problems, and she was a model sportswoman, by human standards; the emergency crew acted at lightning speed and their conduct was unerringly, nevertheless, the Subject was...
...Dead On Arrival..."


D.o.A.: Dead on Arrival

Mission Codename: Red Cross Mission Type: Investigative
Risk Ratio: Low Credits: 6.000 Credits
Mission Area: San Francisco Drop Point: San Francisco Central Railway Station
Method of Insertion: Standard Passenger Train

Mission Briefing: After the Filing of the report, we scrutined the autopsy results and while there was no evidece of any use of drugs or stimulants that could have overloaded the circulatory system, and neither any trace of poison was found in the victims organism, medicians found out that "Parts of the muscular system had undergone a slight and subtle necrosis limited to discerned areas". While this is common in cases of heart attack, the muscular tissue involved was that of primary movement muscles like biceps and triceps. This, coupled with the general good healt of the victim, suggested the fact that she could have begun some kind of mutation. Since, to this day, there are no proof of a connection between the victim and Tyron Corp. (We would never have heard of her death otherwise...), this could mean that she got involved in some kind of experimentation as an unawary lab mouse. If this, in turn, is true, Tyron could be in the field test phase in the production of a chemical that certainly won't do any good to anyone. The mission objective is to precisely detect the causes of death of the victim by having our experts receive a first hand specimen of the deceased body (we can't trust anyone to get such specimen for it could be swapped anywhere in the process by Tyron lackeys) and, when examination is complete and if it gives good (or Bad) results you have to find out what exactly brought the illness in the victim's body and possibly eliminating any further manace of contagion to other helpless citiziens.

No Guest...
Special Equipment: No Special Equipment Needed
Primary Objectives:
  1. Retrieve a Tissue Sample from the deceased body

  2. Investigate over the causes of decess

  3. Investigate over any Tyron involvement

Secondary Objectives:

Terminate any Tyron Menace

S.O. Reward:  350 Credits
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