"Pups to the Rescue!"

"As you should well know, the Zooanthropic population can be described as scarce at best, but we are not the only Zooanthropes around, you know? Somewhere out there, there are other young guys like you waitning for their First Change or who already have undergone such change. Of couse, we'd like all these people to know who they really are and that they could join our crusade against this terrible "Tyron Problem". And this is what is all about... Like Colt before you and like Cammy and Chun-Li before Colt, now it's your turn to help a young pup find his way!"


Dark Secrets

Mission Codename: Dog Tag Mission Type: Scouting/Support
Risk Ratio: High Risk Credits: 20.000 Credits
Mission Area: Germany's Black Forest Drop Point: 2 Klicks form Mission Area
Method of Insertion: Drop by Helicopter

Mission Briefing: The situation requires immediate action: Maddalena received a super confidential report over her desk less than 24 hours ago, there were contained the confidential reports directed to some C.I.A. agent. These reports concerned some interesting accidents happened in Europe; near the Black Forest, Germany, a local journalist tried to publish some strange article containing "evident proofs that the Werewolves truly exist". A wasted try because, following what Maddalena said, someone made a very strong pression to avoid the article publishing. This unknown influence could be well exerted by Tyron itself, since tracking back the source of this action resulted impossible even by Maddalena's standards and it would be the most logical guess: if there is someone interested in not having this as a public affair, it is someone who wishes to get there, investigate and extract whatever was sighted. Also, the degree of security Maddalena had to breeech to get her hands on those files was incredible; possibly, only two or three hacker/informer could be able to reach these data, this in turn means that these files were "overprotected", as if whoever cared for their "sweeping", knew the true meaning of such an irrilevant article. The files themselves are however quite clear: the pictures clearly show an inhuman figure walking upright (although they are taken from a distaance and the close details are missing) engaged in some gathering/hunting routine. We can't deny the possibility of this being a true Zooanthrope lost to the woods. Your team will be assigned to support activities; the leading squad will be composed by Marvel (Squad Leader), Yugo and Aya. Your first duty will be scouting the area in order to get at least visual contact with our subject, if it exists at all; if the rumors prove to be true and you really menage to aquire your target, you have to report back to your field commander (Marvel) and take up the surveillance job. From this point on, the first squad will be in charge of the operation and will proceed to the subject extraction. If you, during the surveillance activities, can verify the target identity or guess the how and why of his permanence in the Black Forest, this would be of great help to the rest of the operation.

Special Guest: Marvel
Special Guest: Yugo


Special Guest: Aya
Special Equipment: No Secial Equipment Needed
Primary Objectives:
  1. Scout the Area

  2. Verify the possible presence of a Zooanthrope

  3. In case of Contact, report back to Field Commander Marvel

  4. Begin Surveillance activity

  5. Wait for the Extraction Team to get its Job done

Secondary Objectives:

Discover the Reason of the Zooanthrope presence 

S.O. Reward:  1.000 Credits
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