The Scarlet Cobras Red Beret

The Scarlet Cobras Red Beret
Class: Accessory Cost: 600 Credits

Advantages: +1 to Luck, -1 to Perception Rolls Difficulties against Supernatural Stealth, +1 to Social Rolls involving Military or Supernaturals. Adds Bonus Gifts: Friend in Need (3rd)

Description: A Long Time Symbol of the Scarlet Cobras Team, the Hat, used both for the combat uniform and for the High Uniform, has the form of a semi-standard military beret (without the leather laces that usually should hang from its side). This Piece of History has decorated the head of the greatest warriors in history and its symbolic power is strong up to this day. The beret is widely considered a "stone of good fortune" by almost all members of the Squad and, who knows, perhaps it's truly this way (+1 to Luck). The hat is also the symbol of the gretest squad that ever stalked the jungle, a squad that was always on the hunter side, never on the prey one, against enemies that were both natural and supernatural; as such, wearing one often remembers the wearer that there are dangers hidden where the human eye, or hear, would never search or perceive and, in turn, this helps the wearer stay alert (-1 to Perception Rolls Difficulties against Supernatural Stealth). Lastly, wearing this beret means the belonging to the greatest team which is the best Military Unit, but also the best congregation of Supernatural Fighters: when you are one of them, you are sure to make a great show in both fields and when you talk you know you can talk as an expert in such fields (+1 to Social Rolls involving Military or Supernaturals). One Last thing that Borders on the Magical Legend: being such a strong Symbol of belonging, one who wears this hat can really feel part of a great family and be willing to risk everything for them; this Beret gives the real possibility to do such things: Any Zooanthrope wearing the Beret automatically has the Gift: Friend in Need. (As long as he is wearing the Hat, of course)