"Oh my god....... This can't be happening...." "If having to deal with such an abomination as the Wrestling Star System isn’t a sign that the End of the World is drawing closer… well, it should. So… Here we are again: another totally screwed mission to take care of. What is happening is no joke, however: as you well know, the wrestling is all a fake, however, recently a pro wrestler just started acting on his own, ignoring the directions of the managers; he began fighting seriously and winning every fight. While the WWF didn’t take it well, all they did to stop him was useless and it seems he overcame more than a human could possibly accomplish… Have you got your masks and tights ready, Beasty Boys?"


No, No, NO... I Want You!!

Mission Codename: ShowMeYourPower Mission Type: Infiltration
Risk Ratio: Low Risk Credits: 6.000 Credits
Mission Area: Across USA Drop Point: WWF L.A. Agency
Method of Insertion: Private Limousine
Mission Briefing: Normally nobody sane in mind would waste time with such c*@p , however, the information we have collected show that something very unnatural is going on behind the curtain. Fact is that the wrestler mentioned above suddenly refused to follow the "Artistic Directions" decided by the star system choreography. After this, someone, tried to injure or impair the same wrestler and he was object of many attacks. In a former moment, he was confronted by several challengers on the ring and our information show that they were told to fight seriously with him and try to cause serious damages in order not to let him fight anymore, but such attempts miserably failed. Later, the wrestler, was target of attacks outside the ring and a reliable source confirmed that he was in an occasion apparently stabbed to death, but he walked off the fight as if nothing ever happened. For some strange reason, all this has gone on only behind the curtain and neither the police, but more importantly, nor the press has been informed of all this. At this point, it should be clear that something fishy is going on. Your mission is to infiltrate the WWF and use your outstanding fighting skills to near the stars of the WWF itself, while investigating on the strange wrestler: your primary objective is to verify if something supernatural is really happening, if this turns true, you must decipher the true nature of such event and in the end verify if it’s really dangerous or just a matter of time before the problem will solve itself. In the first case, you’ll be assigned to the solution of the problem… If you can take it, That is…
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Special Equipment: Fake Identities and Wrestling Backgrounds, WWF membership with all associated benefits.
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