"It's Your Turn Now!"

“We finally have the opportunity to give those Tyron vultures what they deserve: we can now take this war in their own territory instead of just trying to prevent further damage. Also, this will probably be your first Real mission of responsibility, for there is much at stake this time, but the Commander trusts you are ready for this. Not everyone agrees with this (namely his daughter Marvel), but it’s up to you to prove they are wrong. So, come on! Get ready! You are going to face your first real standalone Tyron Base Demolition Mission! Ehy, don’t worry! The task is difficult, but we have some aces up our sleeve to enlighten the…”

....Kyojin No Kage

Mission Codename: Silver Drill Mission Type: Assault
Risk Ratio: Assault Mission Credits: 25.000 Credits
Mission Area: Japan Drop Point: Osaka Airport
Method of Insertion: Scarlet Cobras Personal Plane

Mission Briefing: This is a really crucial mission for our Crusade: as you perhaps know, we have been thinking for some time to establish a home base in Japan too, but we always found it impossible without arousing too much suspicion. Attracting unwanted attention would mean having to defend the base from perpetual waves of Tyron assaults and it’s anyone guess that we wouldn’t last much… and young members would last even less. In fact, the idea was to leave this new Japanese Base in the hands of the young members and this means in turn that we need a perfectly clear area to establish the Headquarter. Now, the opportunity has arisen. The Tyron Osaka Section has been experimenting several difficulties in management and has been making also several mistakes… This is something the central management doesn’t like very much, as a result, the Osaka section has intensified its efforts to impress the head-managers; this in turn made them careless up to the point of breaking some of the corporate polishes about Zooanthrope use, containment and retrieving. Again, this made the company even angrier at their failures and made them seriously considering of removing the whole section in a big clean up attempt (since Osaka Section did attract more than one unwanted look for their careless conduit and the minor cover ups are beginning to show, so they are not cover ups anymore); moreover, we know for sure that there is some big trouble heading their way, for they seem very much concerned with strengthening defenses and intensifying patrols. We do not know what they are expecting and we doubt it could be something that could really make them crumble, but surely this is the right time to make our move. The Osaka Section will surely have problems countering an assault on two fronts and it won’t be able to call for help, since the Central Management would not stand any more nuisance from them and would let them be destroyed (or destroy them themselves) rather to take the pain to dispatch troops for such troublemakers. Your duty is essentially not to miss this chance: once on the spot you have to realize a plan for bringing down their base, but beware that you’ll have to leave some place in your plan for an improvisation, since you’ll have to coordinate with this unknown attack that Osaka Section is preparing for. Be careful of course not to get damaged or confused by the attack itself and remember that you will need more than simply a big frontal assault to bring a whole section to its knees: most probably you’ll have to resort to a series of sabotage mission in order to weaken their defenses up to the point you’ll be able to break in and bring it down. Alternatively you could also try to spot out what exactly is this problem Tyron is facing to better anticipate the events.

No Special Guest...

Special Equipment: No Special Equipment Needed.
Primary Objectives:
  1. Carefully Study an Action Plan

  2. Sabotage Tyron Activities

  3. Destroy Tyron Osaka Section

Secondary Objectives:

Discover the Nature of Osaka Section Problem

S.O. Reward: 1.500 Credits
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