"Keep your Handkerchief Close..."

“Ah, it seems that number can overcome skill sometimes, in fact, that’s just what our dear Marvel needs, sheer numbers. I noticed that some of our contacts were becoming less trustworthy: they still trust me, of course, but perhaps it’s someone among their ranks that they don’t trust. Thus the commander sent out Marvel to sniff out the agent, but it seems that there are just too many trails to follow, so you’ll have to provide the right support she needs. It could be hard to smoke out an agent who once worked for us and it could be harder deciding what to do after you find him out, but don’t count too much on Marvel soft side, you know…”

....The Daughter of a Soldier Never Cries

Mission Codename: FlyTrap Mission Type: Investigation
Risk Ratio: Low Risk Credits: 6.000 Credits
Mission Area: Poland Drop Point: Warsaw
Method of Insertion: Standard Passenger Train

Mission Briefing: Things are taking a bleak turn in the eastern Europe information network theater: many covert ops run by different countries with different interests in that area faced several problems due to some fake information that was passed to their agents. Their informers were of course coming from the most different walks of life and had little in common beside their job, otherwise the liar would have been already terminated; all this means that there is someone who is leaving around well placed clues that result in very well camouflaged lies. As a result, all the informers are becoming more picky in their dealing, telling only what they are absolutely sure of, which, in this field of work means really little. This situation can easily turn against us too, since even our informers are beginning to fall silent, we have to find out who is poisoning the informatic air. Marvel is already on the spot, but it seems that our target is really skillful at hiding its tracks, thus there are too many leads to follow and she needs assistance. Your duty is to get in contact with her and help her in the investigation. Speed is a relevant factor in this matter, ‘cause if you follow the track for too long, the agent will surely come to know this and leave the area before we know it. It would be perfect if you could close in on the target without it suspecting anything and close the trap without too much noise.

Special Guest: Marvel

Special Equipment: Fake Civilian IDs.
Primary Objectives:
  1. Contact Marvel

  2. Follow Marvel's Orders

  3. Find the Source of Deviant Information

Secondary Objectives:

Catch the Target without arousing suspicion

S.O. Reward: 500 Credits
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