Coming up now it's "Scarlet Cobras, New Era
Legionnaires: Two Days of the Old Lion".
In this Special Episode, the Scarlet Cobras Team will face one of its
greatest challenges and challengers, struggling to save its very own
members. Gado,
a man with great strength and charisma, left the battlefields since the
foundation of the team he leads, The
New Scarlet Cobras, in order to
better the team coordination and
performance by passing on his experience in the guise of a teacher and
leader, more than in that of a warrior. However, those very young
Zooanthropes he hoped to see grow into great heroes now face a fate
worse than death itself: in the hands of his long time rival Rolento,
they are bound to be brainwashed and turned against all they formerly
believed. Gado
knows there are no options left, so he calls for his closest friends,
his Scarlet Cobras Comrades,
and walks his road again, going back to where he truly belongs: the
Two Days of the Old Lion:
a rocking episode about a Warrior Spirit that can't
be quenched, a look in Gado's
very soul... And a breathtaking dive into the past of the Scarlet
Cobras themselves. Don't miss out this Scarlet
Cobras: New Era Legionnaires special
episode: two days of memories and firefight, two days of honor and blood...
These are the Two Days
that are going to change your life!