Mission Briefing: After the
preliminary inquiry, the two where moved to a specialized prison dealing with "Young
disfunctional assets" located in Boston. The primary objective of the mission is to
uncover the cause of death of the girl's parents, were it what the police concluded or
not, however in order to attain this, it is suggested that you make it through to the
young ones and get them to trust you so that you can glean essential
information. You
should also backtrack the police doings and see if there is something
amiss, in order to
clear this apperent mistery. To this day, the police is not sure about who exactly killed
the parents, if it was the daughter alone, or it was her boyfriend, or if they where
togheter that night, but of one thing they seem pretty sure: whoever is the
they got him or her or them in a jail in Boston prison. We are not as sure of the fact
and we could bet there is something the detectives are missing in their
perhaps the boys were affected by some instinct stimulating drugs, or they acted under a
frenzy (in thet case they could be young Zooanthropes we should rescue), or God-knows-what
else could have happened. You and your team are assigned precisesly to this
duty: find out
the truth about this nearly too brutal murder |