The R-24 Sample

The R-24 Sample

The R-24 Sample
Place of Discovery: New York, St. Mary Hospital Mission: "Medical Care" (Background Adventure)

Description: Contained in its Crystal Case, this liquid has a fascinating look, but its effects can be Deadly. The Sample R-24 was developed by Tyron as an experimental version of the Zooanthrope Mutogen Serum, better known as the Tyron Drug that could Morph a common human into a fully functional Zooanthrope; this compound was one of the very first successes which Tyron achieved: it had undoubted Mutogenic Properties. It was, however, far from being the success Tyron hoped for: in fact, when used on humans, it caused some minor mutation and sent the recipient berserk. Nonetheless, Tyron scientists had achieved a great success, as the "drug" had a greater effect on those who already possessed Zooanthropic Blood: It could speed up the Awakening of latent Zooanthropic powers in those who still did not know their true nature and, generally, temporarely increase all Zooanthropic abilities (like regeneration). This Sample was retrieved by Cammy and Chun-Li during one of their very first missions against Tyron, back in the days when even the idea of a New Scarlet Cobras team did not exist. The Sample was used to help Aya, Colt and Max develop their powers, without their knowledge, of course.
To this day, the use of such compound is still not advised and has to be used, as Cammy and Chun-Li did, only for desperate situation in which a "Forced Evolution" is needed to save a young Zooanthrope; its composition is still largerly a mystery and its side effects, although, up to this day, none were registered on Zooanthropic Subjects, remains unknown.

Bonus Granted: Permits the Synthetization of "Fisrt Aid Spray" Although the Total quantity that can be created is limited by the scarce quantity of the Sample.

Chun-Li was able to synthetize from a little amount of this sample a particuar kind of drug: when used on a Zooanthrope, it focuses its mutogenic boosting abilities on the regenerative Process, permitting the regeneration of a lethal (Read: "Even an Aggravated") wound in matter of seconds. This compound has been lately encapsulated in Spray Cans for easier use and largely used by all the organization. The effects that such spray could cause on a human are still untested, but are presumed to be akin to those of the R-24 Sample, perhaps with a more pronunced frenzy and a less visible mutation.