"Time to go back to School..." "Well well... This sounds interesting: while our N.Y. Police members where on a standard duty mission for the N.Y.P.D. in Beverly Hills, they stumbled upon a strange story, a kind girl they befriended, told them that the local high school was all upset for the "Return of the Ghost". In fact the school recently witnessed a brutal altough accidental death. It all seemed to calm down when another death rocked the school. Now, these deaths are very feral and they really look like murder, so behind the Old Monster legend there could be something true, worse still our "Dynamic Duo" promised to help the girl and her friends, so, before they blow up half the city in a thermonuclear accident, the Old Lion decided to send a team of less disaster inclined members to infiltrate school ranks and uncover the truth..."


After School Adventure

Mission Codename: Backdoor Mission Type: Infiltration and Investigation
Risk Ratio: Scouting Credits: 4.000 Credits
Mission Area: Beverly Hills Drop Point: B.H. Students House
Method of Insertion: Civic Line Pullman
Mission Briefing: Members of this mission will be assigned fake identities and past records in other schools. Since the school is not strictly one for snob-nosed riches, infitration is less demanding than what it could seem, but it could still prove challenging. Team members will also be assigned a safehouse within the Students Dormitory that they should secure as their Head Quarter for the mission; stealth and cunning are primary: if these are just a couple of accidents, we cannot afford to let even the smallest knowledge about us or anything involving the rebellion escape our control. Also note that the previous contact our agents had in town (Julia McGregor, the young girl Maddalena Spoke of) is no longer available for she should not be told about anything regarding this mission, instead, mission members should evolve their own investigation and aquire new information to the point of verifying the accidentality of the deaths or unravel their mistery. If such solution evidences the existence of a physical (or Spiritual) menace, the objectives of the mission should be switched to termination after, and only after, you come in with the first report.
No Special Guest...
Special Equipment: Fake Documents, Safehouse at Student House
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