"Oh, by Jove... The Curse of the Mummy"

"I wonder if I'll ever get used to the feeling of living inside a B-Movie, because it's quite often the feeling I have when I gather information for your future missions and sometimes, well you know, things look so incredible that they simply look silly... I know we are creatures able to shapechange and with miraculous powers, so we should be accostumed to the incredible and the illogical, but, sometimes, things are so plainly stupid and look so much like a B-Movie script that I can barely believe I'm buying all this shit... Take this for example: if I once heard of an archeological expedition which disappeared in the desert I'd have just said "Like I Care!", now instead, I'm forced to check it seriously before the World awakens ruled by.... "

....The Scorpion King

Mission Codename: SandMen Mission Type: Investigation
Risk Ratio: Medium Credits: 12.000 Credits
Mission Area: Egypt Drop Point: Il Cairo Airport
Method of Insertion: Private Jet

Mission Briefing: It's not clear if there really is something fishy going on, but this could prove worth a try: nearly two months ago, an archeological expedition reached for the hot Egyptian desert for some study over some lost tombs. The point is that during the excavation, the troupe faced several accidents and one of those resulted fatal for one of their members; however, the expedition claimed success in its undertaking and came back to civilization with victory in its hands. Its members did not enjoy that victory much longer, since they died one by one under mysterious circumstances. Of course, this unleashed a series of comments and newspaper articles, about the Mummy's Curse and everything else, and the event attracted many tourists to the city where all this happened, however, in all this noise about the archeologist deaths, everybody seems to have forgotten that they did excavate something from the desert ruins, but whatever it was, it's gone for good along with those men. In fact, all the records about their work and their expedition could not be found anywhere and, as a result, the excavation site position is now lost to the sands, since all those who knew about its location are now dead. The local authorities are closing their eyes over the matter, partly due to superstition, partly because lifting this veil of mystery would greatly diminish tourist incoming. So your duty is pretty clear: you should go on the spot and make contact with our local contact, but instead of concentrating on the investigation over the men's death, your efforts should revolve around locating the excavation site and gleaning its secrets, to better understand if they are really that important to kill all those people... Or if there really is a Curse upon the ruins.... Once done that, if you could also solve the murders, it would be just fine...

Special Guest: Sion

Special Equipment: Contact: Local Informer
Primary Objectives:
  1. Find the Excavation Site

  2. Glean its Secrets Once there

  3. Solve any Eventual Dark Secret

Secondary Objectives:

Solve the Case of the Mysteriuos Deaths

S.O. Reward:  900 Credits
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