The Scarlet Cobras Infiltration Suit

The Scarlet Cobras Infiltration Suit
Class: Combat Armor Cost: 4.500 Credits

Advantages: +1 to All Physical Stats and... Much More

Description: Some Mission are just too Tough to face them unprepared or with the standard issues, that's when it's time to bring out the real stuff! And that's what we are talking about here: a full infiltration suit, suitable for the worst enviroment and the worst enemy, a true wonder of the cutting edge technology built to work in conjunction with the Zooanthropic powers. At a first look, this suit looks as what it primarly is: a wonderful infiltration suit, tight fitting and perfectly built to maximize combat and stealth action: this, however, is only its Dormant state. In this stage it functions exactly like a super advanced Infiltration suit: it has superior bulletproof mesh (2 Soak Dice all over the body head excluded), perfect fitting for maximum Stealth (+1 Die to Stealth Pool), No movement hindrances, perfectly allotted weapon and magazine holsters. More over, a pair of Multi-Optic Goggles are standard issue for the suit (of course the M.O.G. are super fashion styled, not the "Bugman" version). It has the only drawback that it cannot be worn under normal clothing as it is quite wierd to see under a dress with all those protection and holsters. However, this is not all: if fueled with Zooanthropic Energy, it can be Awakened to its true form. To do this, the wearer must invest a lot of his energies into the suit: he must spend 2 Points of both Rage, Gnosis and Willpower in order to obtain the following bonuses for an entire Scene:
1- +1 Dot in all Physical Stats (Strength, Dexterity and Stamina that is) as the Body Armor enhances the wearer prowess (due both to magic and the Power Armor function built into the suit.
2- The Protection Factor raises to 3 Soak Dice all over the body, head included. This protection is effectively the result of a Force Field tightly surrounding the wearer, that is why the head receives the soak bonus although it is effectively exposed. This kind of protection partially extends beyond bullet-using weapons, protecting even against every kind of injury although at the lessened effect of 2 Soak Dice (against Fire, Edged Weapons, Radiations and unharmed strikes for examples). This kind of protection does not hinder movement in any way.
3- 3 Extra Bruised Health Levels. This is the resulting protection of the boosted body armor in physical terms: the strengthening of the mesh and the switching to the Power Armor Mode provides a first line of defense. These health levels, however, are not to be taken into consideration for Head Shots, since the protection is given by the "bulk" of the body armor and itdoesn't comprise an helmet. This kind of protection does not hinder movement in any way.
4- +3 Dice to Stealth Pools. As the Armor totally silences itself and is supernaturally apt to sneaking and crawling
5- +2 Dice to Athletics and Acrobatics Pools. As the Power Armor helps coordination and assists every movement
6- Bestows the Following Gifts: Blur of the Milky Eye (1st), Lizard Climb (1st Level Scarlet Cobras New Gift)

Special Gifts

Lizard Climb (1st Level Gift): Following in the footsteps of the Lizard, the Zooanthrope invoking this Gift finds herself able to climb even the sheerest suface with ease and even to hang on ceiling. However, Lizard pays homage to a greater climber as the spider, since this Gift doesn't allow walking on ceiling or upside down, it only permits climbing on vertical sufaces and remaining stationarly hung to horizontal surfaces. Not surprisingly, a Lizard Spirit teaches this Gift.
ystem: The use of this Gift comes natural to those who own it, it doesn't require rolls or expenditure, although for particulary slippery or really impossible surfaces, the Storyteller may call for a normal Dexterity (or Strength) + Athletics roll. As mentioned before, this Gift allows perfect and neverending Grip on every vertical suface, making climbing a piece of cake, however, the user cannot use this Gift to actually walk on walls, like gravity had suddenly changed direction, she must effectively climb it. Similary, the User cannot walk or climb on ceilings, the best this Gift can offer is to hang in crawling position (like Spider-Man for example) without however being able to move. Movement from this position can cause a fall and, after the user gives up the grip, is handled as a normal Athletic Feat..