Description: Obviously
not displaying any identity related data, The Scarlet Cobras Dog Tags are
more a Memento than a mean of identification. What is engraved on
each Tag is simply the Wearer's Codename (and possibly his "true name"
if this is just a non-trackable info, as in Cammy's case) and a
significative quote of choice, plus any irrilevant personal data the
wearer wishes to add. The Words to be engraved are to be chosen carefully,
for they are the true essence of this Memento: when in need, you can read
them and remember why you are fighting on and you can find Courage in them
(Up to 4 Bonus
Willpower Points per Story).
You can purchase just one Tag, this way having a lesser cost and a lesser
benefit (only 2 point per Story) or the standard Pair for a full
Inspiration (4
Bonus Willpower Points per Story).
Obiouvsly, no more than a pair per person. |