The Taser

The Taser
Class: Power Glove Option Cost: 400 Credits (per Glove)

Advantages: 8 Levels of Bashing Damage on Touch, Complete Elctrical Isolation over the Hand.

Description: This Option can be mounted inside the palm of a Power Glove. It is able to deliver an incredible shock on touch; this is an option for all those who frequently face missions where the first security line is often made up by normal men or policemen who just stumbled in at the wrong time in the wrong place. This is a good method to take them out without causing any serious arm. The shock is usually strong enough to make a normal men unconscious or at least paralized into harmlessness. Against stronger opponents, however, it can result a little more than a nuisance (even if a well placed shock can still buy you some time) and it is not possible to combine this shock with a normal attack: the two operations require different approaches (altough you can always shock with one hand and punch with the other...). The Taser system also isolates the hands and will permit you to handle dangerous electrical wire at no risk (don't ask me how this can work because I don't want to even think about it). The Taser can discharge three (3) shocks every half an hour as it needs nearly ten minutes to recharge one "shot". (Where does it take such a higly refillable energy?... Uh.... eh... Solar Batteries, yeah, sure, solar batteries...).