"Is thet the Best You COULD Do?!"
"Don't ask me why. I was charged with the filling of this briefing, even if there was no briefing at all. Perhaps my father wanted me to review my opinions on this disastrous mission... Well, it's not about opinions, the wreckage of this complete disaster is a matter of facts. The pups left a trail a Mile long behind them and we'll be lucky if FBI won't knock on Maddalena's door any of this days. They seem to have learnt from their mistakes, but this doesn't change my opinion on this failure: they'd better grow up quickly, for battlefield it's not a gentle master and does not wait for its students. You can't learn from your mistakes in this job, when you make one, it will probably be your last one too..."


The Long Way Home

Mission Codename: Homecoming Mission Type: Fallback
Risk Ratio: Medium Credits: 0 Credits
Mission Area: West Coast Drop Point: Unknown Country Town
Method of Insertion: Scarlet Cobras provided Van
Mission Briefing: Like the first one, this mission never had a briefing. After they left Sylicon Ville, the Young Members were informed that from that point on, communications wouldn't have been secure anymore, so they were given a new contact to look for in a major town and this contact would in turn have led them to Los Angeles by secure means. While this was done in order to protect not only their well-being but also that of their relatives, in many occasions they just ignored this and tried to solve things their own way. Coupled with the fact that they stumbled in a racially divided town with the Ku Klux Klan ready to burst off, the FBI inspecting on a racist crime and a crazy Old Lady with Sensitive powers that nearly pointed out their Zooanthropic nature, the incautious behavior of the team members made the things take the wrong turn.
No Guest...
Special Equipment: Everything that the Members could get in Sylicon Ville Outpost.
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