Scarlet Cobras CamoSkin Paintings

Scarlet Cobras CamoSkin Paintings
Class: Body Paint Cost: 500 Credits

Advantages: Bestows the Gift: Camouflage.

Description: Not everyone has the real spirit to survive the harsh jungles, fewer yet can accept them as their home. This Camo Paintings are for those few who can. Actually they are nor paintings nor tattoo, but a mix of them, they are painted on the body as a standard camo paint, but, once the rite is completed, they become permanent and can never be washed away by any mean. They are usually painted coordinated color with the Under Suit, although they may not look too stealthy, they are not meant, as anyone can guess, to function that way. When in wilderness surroundings, the bearer can will himself to disappear and effectively become Camouflaged as per the first level Gift (+3 to perception difficulties to spot him); however, to function the Paintings must be visible on exposed skin when they are activated and for all the time they remain active. The Paintings need not to cover the whole body of the bearer, but must spread at least over a significant part of it: the legs, or the arms for examples, but they are also good on the face or the breast or the back... Just remember that they cannot be made disappear at will: you'll be effectively Camo Painted for life! This is not something accepted in a normal society and they can draw unwanted attention!