Equipment Room

"A good Equip can mean a Good Chance of Survival"

"Welcome to the Equip Room, this is the place from which you can begin exploring all the material possibilities and advantages that we can offer you in order to have your mission accomplished. As a Super Elite Team, we also have something that sets us Apart from the rest of common armies (aside for our Zooanthropic Nature): here you can take a look to the special gear that every Scarlet Cobras gets as a default equip as soon as he joins our ranks. They are Hi-Tech Wonders as well as partly Magical in nature, fruit of the spiritual infusion applied during the assembling process. So, don't be amazed if they can do things that seem simply absurd: after all, we are an army made up by Shapechangers, you know?"

The Long Distance Comunicator: the CODEC


Function: Long Distance Scrabled Communicator

Description: The CODEC is a formidable communication device, Made with the Highest technologies Maddalena could call into action, it is smaller than a Microchip and is implanted underskin. It relays Audio datas directly to the ear, by mean of a nanoid system that interacts with the membrane, while visual data are sent to the apposite Communicator Control usally placed in the wirst of Scarlet Cobras Uniform Gloves. The CODEC effectively has full planetary range and is not impeded by barriers of any sort: it can perfectly transmit while underwater, underground and even from technologically (and magically) Sealed Commo Zones. Its only weakness lies in its particular signal beam, to be so much powerful and stable, it requires to stay nearly motionless during communication. This means that the Operator is prvented from running while communicating or accesing the CODEC while in action. The CODEC uses an Identification system akin to Radio frequencies, but each "number" is not linked to a particular wave lenght, but instead directly to the ID chip of Another CODEC. Every member is Assigned his Code upon entering the Squad and the CODEC automatically memorizes the  incoming and called Frequencies along with a 21 digit description choosed by the user. It is also built in materials developed for maximum stealth and none of its parts will show up under any kind of inspection or electronic examination.

The Scarlet Cobras Wirst Radio

The Scarlet Cobras Wirst Radio

Function: Short Distance Communicator

Description: The WIrst Radio is the Communication Device the Scarlet Cobras relay upon for short range communication. A miracle of Micronization, this radio has a so small loudspeaker that can be easily concealed into the ear. Its microphone is usually placed in the wirst of the Scarlet Cobras Uniform Gloves; it can receive (albeit not at maximum efficiency) even with the arm fully extended, but another microphone can be placed into the Scarlet Cobras Badge to have top performance with both hands free. All the controls rest in the wirst of the gloves where they are easily accessible to switch frequency and to Morse Code a message. It has a Range of about 1 km and it has scrambling ability, however, it lacks the superior signal encoding of the CODEC and can be intercepted and disturbed with the right technology. As for its "Bigger Brother" the CODEC, this device too is built with components constructed with stealth in mind: it is absolutely invisible to all security devices and only a really close and careful inspection can discover the ear loudspeaker.

The Scarlet Cobras Covert Action Mask

The Scarlet Cobras Covert Action Mask

Function: Identity Protection

Description: Seen the low number of men the Scarlet Cobras Army can count on, secrecy and stealth are a top priority among them. Tyron corp. constantly updates its data archive with more and more details on what seems to be an invisible enemy always ready to strike when they are not prepared; this enemy is nothing else than the Scarlet Cobras themselves. Tyron is still trying to figure out if there is a true connection between the accidents and sabotages that plagued them in the last few years, and The Scarlet Cobras wouldn't want it any other way. The longer they don't know what happens the more vulnerable they are. So, concealing one's identity while on duty is primary and this mask is made just for that. This microfiber elastic cloth conceals all the lower face somatic traits while leaving best comfort and sensory abilities unhindered. A little touch of "Spiritual Infusion"  makes up for the missing total concealing, leaving in the witness's memory only a blurry image of what was left uncovered.

The Uniform Undersuit

The Scarlet Cobras Uniform: The Undersuit

Function: Defensive Suit

Description: Real Scarlet Cobras trademark, the uniform is still the same since Ogami's time; it is a superb mesh of ultra-advanced fibers meant to spread the impact point of bullets and weapons so to lessen the damage. The uniform is made up by two layers: this is the lower one, a protective undersuit that tightly fits the user body to provide unexistent encumbrance. Nonetheless, the underwear is extremely durable and resistent, giving the user 1Extra Soak Die against any bullet weapon. Due to its tight fitting, this undersuit can be worn under every kind of clothing without arousing any suspicion; it is also very confortable and does not impair movement (No Dex Penalty) and is made to be at least a bit protective in cold enviroment and also transpirant in hot enviroments. Every uniform is also considered Automatically DEDICATED, which means that it shrinks and morphs itself to match the wearer size and form if he shapechanges (The Uniform gives its soak bonus in every form). Being dedicated and almost always close to a Real Scarlet Cobra, it is almost immediately embued with spiritual energy, regenerating at the same rate as the wearer does, this way it doesn't need maintenance or repair.

The Full Suit

The Scarlet Cobras Uniform: The Full Suit

Function: Defensive Suit

Description: The other and most relevant part of the Scarlet Cobras Uniform is this one. It's a perfetc military combat suit, built with the multiple layers of the same mesh which makes up the undersuit, resulting in a higher defensive ability (2 Soak dice to add to the previous one). It is also very comfortable, with an encumbras not higher than normal clothing (no Dex Penalty). The uniform is fully geared for cobat readiness, sporting many grenade holsters, as well as having attachments for every kind of weapon holster, always with stealth in mind, granting the possibilities to hide weapons in a much more effecient manner than normal. The uniform comes complete with Boots, Gloves, Hat, Jacket and Throusers; its form and cut is choosed by the single soldier and its appearence can vary widely from trenchcoats to shorts and jacket (do not count this for game purposes: the Uniform gives 2 Soak dice on the whole body, aside for the head, no matter the uniform look). The color is also an option wich is usually one for the Full Suit and another for the Undersuit. It lacks mimetic patterns for a simple reason: any true Scarlet Cobra who wants to be stealthy can resort to gifts that can turn him invisible, so there is little point into having a invisible mimetic uniform. Being dedicated and almost always close to a Real Scarlet Cobra, it is almost immediately embued with spiritual energy, regenerating at the same rate as the wearer does, this way it doesn't need maintenance or repair.

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