other and most relevant part of the Scarlet Cobras
Uniform is this one. It's a perfetc military combat
suit, built with the multiple layers of the same
mesh which makes up the undersuit, resulting in
a higher defensive ability (2 Soak dice to add to
the previous one). It is also very comfortable,
with an encumbras not higher than normal clothing
(no Dex Penalty). The uniform is fully geared for
cobat readiness, sporting many grenade holsters,
as well as having attachments for every kind of
weapon holster, always with stealth in mind, granting
the possibilities to hide weapons in a much more
effecient manner than normal. The uniform comes
complete with Boots, Gloves, Hat, Jacket and Throusers;
its form and cut is choosed by the single soldier
and its appearence can vary widely from trenchcoats
to shorts and jacket (do not count this for game
purposes: the Uniform gives 2 Soak dice on the whole
body, aside for the head, no matter the uniform
look). The color is also an option wich is usually
one for the Full Suit and another for the Undersuit.
It lacks mimetic patterns for a simple reason: any
true Scarlet Cobra who wants to be stealthy can
resort to gifts that can turn him invisible, so
there is little point into having a invisible mimetic
uniform. Being dedicated and almost always close
to a Real Scarlet Cobra, it is almost immediately
embued with spiritual energy, regenerating at the
same rate as the wearer does, this way it doesn't
need maintenance or repair. |