"My Precious...."

"You have just entered the Tresaury; this is the place where we keep record of all the really important Item retrieved during the course of life-threatening missions. The objects collected in this file are still largely a mystery to us too and can well conceal a greater benefit (or threat). Surely, their secrets will have a deep influence on the events to come and, who knows, even on the present. Every Item, aside for the mere glory of retrieving such a rare artifact, confers a bonus that usually doesn't apply to in game mechanics, but rather to Storytelling one (altough many are a mix of them, like a reduced cost for some equipment)."

The Secret Specimen....
The R-24 Sample
Place of Discovery: New York, St. Mary Hospital

Mission: "Medical Care" (Background Adventure)

Retrieved by: Cammy (Fast Reload)Chun-Li (Black Lotus)
Leoanrdo's Legacy...
Leonardo's Book of Evolution
Place of Discovery: Moncalvo, Italy

Mission: "Leonardo's Legacy" (Lupin III)

Retrieved by:
Damocle Kain (Omega) Voltz (BlitzKrieg) Voltz (BlitzKrieg) Voltz (BlitzKrieg)
A Madman's Babbling? Or....
The Mysterious Blackboard Writings 
Place of Discovery: Mantova, Italy

Mission: "Fera Suprema" (WarDogs)

Retrieved by:
Damocle Voltz (BlitzKrieg)
The Mask of the Beast
Place of Discovery: Salem, Oregon

Mission: "Bloodstained Legacy" (Hannibal)

Retrieved by:
Kain (Omega) Damocle

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