"This is of the greatest importance, Gentlemen..."

"Welcome Gentlemen, we can be at a decisive turn in our confrontation with Tyron: after a patrolling scouting in SyliconVille Ruins, we ascertained that only minor mutations are left polluting the area. Our first recon gave us the possibility of putting together a most interesting puzzle: we found evidence that clearly points to the presence of the Italian section in SyliconVille at the time of its first demise. This coupled with some previous info seems to point in only one direction: in SyliconVille there are still secrets to be uncovered. Your mission is crucial: now that we have certain proof of its existence and the possibility of investigating about it, you must clear the details of Tyron most secret and deadly experiment, the One Called…"

...Fera Suprema

Mission Codename: WarDogs Mission Type: Investigation/Assault
Risk Ratio: Assault Mission Credits: 25.000 Credits
Mission Area: SyliconVille & Beyond Drop Point: SyliconVille Station
Method of Insertion: Scarlet Cobras Train

Mission Briefing: During the SyliconVille Accident, Aya, Colt and Max were confronted by a Tyron’s Lethal Combat Specimen, one with unrivaled strength and power, surpassing in raw power everything that probably walked earth up to this day. Our following researches only showed that Tyron probably was able to bind the spirit of some ancient or mythological being into the flesh of one of their experiments. This was however beyond any possibility that Tyron had shown up to that time and, for what matters, even after; since they aren’t producing this kind of monsters in a large scale, this means that what Aya and the others met was some kind of "Experimental Weapon": we know of another project Tyron is chasing by at least a Decade, the Fera Suprema Project. The details of this project are largely unknown and we only heard of it in some stray documents and scattered pieces of paper retrieved after the blowing up of some major installation; what we could glean, however, perfectly fits the picture: a project which target is to create the perfect fighting machine by combining higher powers. What "Higher Powers" really means is still unknown, but it seems clear that they are up to no good. We know that an equip working on this project was present in SyliconVille and we also came to know by Damocle’s travel to Asia that it seems that the Tyron’s Italian fringe was working on a project that screwed up and that concerned some big Spiritual Ritual to create something terrible. Lastly, our recent patrol confirmed the presence of an Italian equip in the times of our first incursion; in the end, all seems to point out that the mysterious Italian project and the Fera Suprema project could be one and the same. The objective of this mission is to get back once again to the ruins of SyliconVille and search among them for the remaining sources of information in order to discover as much as possible on this secret project. If any evidence is found, your team will be automatically dispatched to follow the tracks of the Italian team probably up to their homecountry. Remember however that there will be "Higher Powers" involved in this quest, and it will be your mission to uncover what they really are, so you must thread carefully because no one knows what can be laying ahead waiting for some unwary traveler to reveal unspeakable secrets.

Special Guest: Damocle

Special Equipment: No Special Equipment Needed
Primary Objectives:
  1. Investigate over the Sylicon Ville Debris to Find Proof of the Italian Section Intervention

  2. Follow any eventual clue to its Point of Origin

  3. Learn as much as possible about Tyron's Fera Suprema Top Secret Project

Secondary Objectives:

Destroy the Fera Suprema Project

S.O. Reward:  1.500 Credits
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