NickName: Damocle Full Name: Damocle
Notes: Damocle
joined the Organization of the Scarlet Cobras during the Mission in
Beverly Hills, the other members found the
youth peacefully sitting in his cell as if he was not charged with the
accusation of murder. However,
appearance can led to wrong judgment: while outside he may seem calm
and nice, inside him burns a strong Beast that always tries to take
control over him. Damocle is blind and, since childhood, he was never
interested in the art of war, and has always been a peaceful soul striving
for calm and quiet; however, Tyron did not want things to go this way:
although he never knew, Tyron abducted and engineered Damocles
and soul
They fused with him a beast, a spirit of unimaginable
power and anger, turning him into a Zooanthrope artificially bred
However, Damocles soul always rejected the change and there began conflict.
He had to share his life with a beast that burnt inside and that was
always willing to burst outside, willing to fill out the role that hate
and rage never had in Damocles Life. At least until Damocle decided
to face his own doubts: during his travel across the world, in search
for his role in the Scarlet Cobras Squad, he meditated long hours on
his Beast and on the meaning of Violence and Fighting; in the end, Damocle
reached for its deepest nature and that of his Beast. To his own amazement,
when he could hear the voice of his very Beast he did not hear the screams
of a wild animal, but the cries of an enraged spirit of justice willing
to fight not for instinct but for the sake of innocents. This contact
changed him deeply giving him a new view of life and making him finally
reach the peace with the Beast he so much sought, which came with the
understanding of the true nature of his Soul. The goals Damocle attained
changed him also in the physical aspect and in the powers he can draw
upon, which seem to have reached some strange peaks.
He has the Spirit of the Third Eye.
Quote: "E' un Rock,
Bambino... Soltanto un po' latino!" |