Name: Lara

"No more Stupid questions I hope..."
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NickName: Luna    Full Name: Lara Malento
Notes: A beautiful girl, Lara is not as happy as beautiful, soon in her young life she had to experience the loss of her beloved fiancée; this event shocked her deeply and changed her forever. She became cold and detached, to the edge of violence, always ready to burst in to a fight. Since then, she lived on the street, following the rule of the strongest, and always having the upper hand... Until she met with the other young Zooanthropes, then she found people who could understand her pain and surprisingly her lust for battles... Suddenly, she was not alone anymore. Lara has been trained by an old oriental martial artist, who passed her many secrets of old martial techniques both bare-handed and with bladed weapons, giving her the edge in hand to hand fighting. The Street instead taught her the way of the gun and violence covering up the medium range area of the fight. Lara joined the ranks of the New Scarlet Cobras quite easily albeit a bit coldly and she keeps strong ties with those who worked or frequented the Fate bar where she exposed her artworks: the bouncers Voltz, Ramon and Sion, the rockman Kain and the rich Fey Lee.

Spirit: She has the Spirit of the Butterfly.

Quote: "There is something on my face? No? Well, then stop staring at it or you'll have my boot on yours..."


Voltz Ramon Sion Kain Lara Solaar
Damocle Alice
