Name: Fey Lee

"Stupid non-profesional yankees..."

NickName: None    Full Name: Fey Lee Chang
Notes: Son of a rich oriental man, Fey's family didn't gain its fortune through mafia or illegal means, but through the ability of Fey's father, a strong man master of the ancient kung fu secrets that came to USA and decided to teach his style to "yankees". Fey was the heir to the monetary and technical empire of his father, and he was deeply fond of both of them. Such heritage sometimes got the upper hand on his patience and made him a bit cold and arrogant, but he was usually well disposed toward helping others even if no reward was in sight. Fey is a well educated scholar of many subjects, chiefly ancient chinese medical arts and academics; he is fast as lightning and really deadly in hand to hand combat thanks to his martial skill and weapon use, even if he lacks training on the medium and long range of battle. During the exodus from Sylicon Ville, his friendship ties were shaken by tension and a deep killer instinct he was unaware of. However, he still had a more than deserved share of respect toward his friends met at Fate Bar: the bouncers Voltz, Ramon and Sion, the rockman Kain and the artist Lara. In the end however, the difficulty of leaving his wealthy lifestyle for such an unprofessional actions (to his Opinion) and the deep grugde that Chun-Li generated when she refused to teach him her secret martial art, drove him away from the Team and his presents whereabouts remained unknown until recently. Sadly, after leaving the New Scarlet Cobras, Fey refused to believe that his wealth and his carefullness could not protect him from Tyron and, in fact, the Corporation did not find out about him... the Triad did. The Chinese mafia got the best shot and "contacted" him before even Tyron could. Even they were surprised to find out that the young man was hard to coerce, but was just as power-hungry as they were. So they came to an agreement: if they wanted him, they had to make him their most lethal assassin... They had to make him their Freeman. He thus worked for them in exchange for the martial arts he so deeply craved and the Triad always kept him screened from Tyron's eyes. Only recently, the Young Zooanthrope has crossed the path of his old friends during a mission in China Town...

Spirit: He has the Spirit of the Black Tiger

Quote: "Stupid non-profesional yankees..."



Mrs Ftecher

Svetlana Ocelot Blood Devil

Fey Lee
