NickName: The Black Widow Full Name: Svetlana Kovatchevic
Notes: Svetlana is the commander in chief of a
Tyrons retrieval squadron, working for the Russian branch of the organization. Like
her homeland, she is cold and deadly; her training under Tyron can only be imagined as
nearly perfect, but her true strength lies perhaps in the incredible tactical abilities
which she displays in the planning of her traps and encounters. Psychologically, Svetlana
most prominent trait is, aside for her supreme cunning, her ambition: just like her
"masters" she is not satisfied with the supreme powers that her Zooanthropic
nature bestows upon her and is trying to access the mystical secrets of the sect she
belongs. Svetlana, contrary to many others of her "Colleagues", is not an
artificial creation of Tyrons Labs, but has pure Zooanthropic blood running in her
vein, making her part of the supreme élite of Tyrons Troops, gifted with the
ancient powers that even the long arcane rituals could not match fully. Her first
involvement with the Scarlet Cobras happened during the travel Damocle
and Diana undertook around the world, when Svetlana tried to
seize them and take them back to Tyrons clutches, but she seemed something more than
a pawn in the game, possessing secrets about Tyrons plan and Damocles nature
beyond his own knowledges.
She has the Spirit of the Spider.
Quote: "Wanna Come to my Nest, Tovarish?" |