NickName: The Man of Destiny Full Name: Rolento Shugerg
Notes: Shugerg could be defined as the black sheep of
an otherwise respectable family; as if this wasnt enough, Shugergs military
training is almost flawless, with all probability making him one of the world most
dangerous men. Shugerg is an Ogamis and Gados old mate and with them he shares the youth spent
under Tyron militia, form this follows that his training knows few rivals. Shugerg is the
chief responsible of the failure of Ogamis great dream and at the same time its most
unwilling maker. He, in fact, betrayed Ogami in his moment of weakness and led him into a
deadly ambush; after his death he convinced Gado in leaving to him the lead of the squad,
that he soon used to achieve his goals. Finally Shugerg brought to end also the Extermination Plan of the whole
old squad in order to achieve a yet greater power; his plan was only partially successful,
since two or three elements already far from the squad since a long time escaped it, one
of whom was Shugergs pupil, Fast Reload. In recent
times, Shugerg Took again contact
with Tyron from which, in exchange for his services, he received some genetically altered
soldiers. This achieved, and seen the bad result of the cooperation that led him to
another fight against his student, Shugerg retired in his Middle-East fortress, but just
due to his intervention in his students and Tyron businesses, Cammy took the first
steps that later led to the foundation of the New Scarlet Cobras.
He has the Spirit of the Wolf.
Quote: "That's Ok, Perfection is not for
everyone..." |