Last Stand

Last Stand

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Cammy traveled far away until she reached the United States, always chased by the sense uselessness and inadequacy that follows all the soldiers that try to find a place in the civil world; in New York, Cammy found another person fleeing from a stormy and treacherous past and moreover able to trade blows at her level: her name was Chun-Li, or, as she wished to be called, "Violent Storm", an oriental that was trained as an assassin from the most merciless Chinese mafia from which she escaped miraculously. For many years, the two of them teamed up in the N.Y. police department, gaining renown as great trouble shooters and bringers, until the day when they came to know that Tyron began to make suspect moves. The megacorporation was, in fact, on the verge of synthesizing a drug able to cause the genetic mutation of a normal human being into a Zooanthrope; hearing these alarming news, the two moved to interfere with Tyron plans, but their job was of titanic proportions, now that they were alone and all the Zooanthropes able to help them were dispersed or dead. Luckily, just in that timespan, chance had made come together in N.Y. three young Zooanthropes that still ignored their gifts. Cammy and Chun-Li began monitoring and helping them in order to safeguard them from the troubles in which they continually plunged, even if the three managed to solve the matters even by themselves. In the end, Tyron, tired of having these problems interfering with their final steps of their millenarian dream, made a lucky encounter: to their aid came a men forever thirsty for power who saw in the cooperation with Tyron the possibility enlarge his servitor’s lines: Rolento Shugerg. Shugerg once again smelt the wonder that was laying ahead: with the ability to evolve humans in Zooanthropes, the only real difficulty Shugerg experienced in his career, recruiting real Zooanthropes in his merciless squad, could finally be solved. This, coupled with Tyron ability to brainwash his employed, would have given him the power to transform his mercenary squad in a real nightmare made of creatures of darkness. Shugerg went back to his creators bringing with him the services of the whole Scarlet Cobras squad; together, they created tens of new soldiers and, albeit doing this he lost the possibility of training all of them personally, consequently reducing their effective tactic abilities, he gained a great number of troops and their total obedience no matter how horrible the strategy could be. With a similar force in their service, Tyron seemed to have gained the upper hand  in spite of all the efforts made by the two girls…

Shugerg, ignoring up to that time where his old disciple hid herself, learned from Tyron that his old scar found herself just in the middle of his next mission field; Shugerg did not have the order of terminating Cammy, he had instead to make all papers in a Tyron building disappear in an amazing accident before the secret information on their experimentation fields fell in the wrong hands. However, Shugerg knew that the presence of a subject the likes of Cammy could have easily wasted any plan no matter how carefully planned, he then took steps in order to terminate her before the plan effectively began. Shugerg called upon his best soldier, one that was grown up with the old guard: "Marvel" Gado. Marvel was Alan Gado’s adoptive daughter and, just before the middle east mission began, she left the squad to look for her father; Shugerg called her back on duty revealing that he found out that her father was killed, by the same betraying hand that led Ogami to his grave and the squad to its disastrous action in the middle east quadrant: Fast Reload. Shugerg told Marvel that he localized the objective, but that he thought that she would have wished to take care personally of the matter, besides he softened her saying that for an opponent like Cammy she was the only good enough to accomplish the mission. Marvel, blinded by hate and by the thirst for revenge for a father that years of scouting could not find, left for New York; this way, Shugerg thought to strike a point anyway: if Marvel would have been successful, Cammy would have been terminated and the mission would have succeeded perfectly, if she failed, Gado’s daughter, surely the most dangerous element inside the squad that he couldn’t yet "substitute", would have been removed without any effort for Shugerg. The mission, however, went very differently: while Cammy e Chun-Li dealt with the large of the squad at the first diversion, the three above mentioned young Zooanthropes, were trying to sabotage the key point of such diversion, but, at the end of their successful attempt, Marvel engaged Cammy in a hand-to-hand fighting on the top of the dam that the Scarlet Cobras should have blown up, with the an even result, falling together in the roaring waters below…

Cammy pulled, injured, Marvel out of the waters and gave her first aid, since she didn’t wish to lose a dear comrade and friend, much less for Shugerg’s scheming… When she woke up Marvel was forced to hear the whole story from Cammy and, while the girl didn’t have Shugerg’s silver tongue, her sincerity and her fairness convinced her more than any fraud or deceit; understanding the game in which Shugerg set both of them, the girls launched themselves at the secondary diversion: a building taken hostage by some fake terrorists led by Shugerg himself: that was the chance to set things straight once and for all with the "Man of Destiny"…

Cammy, Chun-Li e Marvel’s break-in was among the most spectacular in the whole police history, it ended with a gunfight of titanic proportions in which fought Shugerg himself and finally, Cammy and the man, on the top floor, renewed their bladed challenge. Even if even this time the fight ended even, this time it was Shugerg who decided for a strategic fall-back, nevertheless pleased to have subtracted her most wanted prey to her disciple. Even with the follies that Cammy tried not to let him escape, The Man of Destiny managed to get out of shooting range, but left Cammy what maybe was more important than any victory: an ally of great power like Marvel that, most important, knew the truth about the whole story.

The Sylicon Ville Accident
