The Scarlet Cobras

The Scarlet Cobras

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… In modern times, many of the Zooanthropes were born and died without even knowing their true nature, being born in the most different places of the Earth, sons of Zooanthropes who miraculously escaped from Tyron Corp and abandoned their children in order to ease their escape, or descendants of an old dark ages fugitive whose lineage was transmitted among generations without manifesting itself or whose descendants did not even know of such blood running in their veins. Others instead were captured by Tyron men to become the edge of their genetically altered soldiers or to undergo experiments aimed to discover the secret of the birth of the Zooanthropes; among these lost children, ignoring which ancient secrets their blood was hiding, there was a man, a great man, with great leadership and with a heart pure to its deepest even if tired by the experiences of a fugitive from Tyron clutches: His name was Yashiro Ogami.

Ogami was born and lived imprisoned in Tyron Labs for the first years of his life and he was forced to join their extraction teams, in this way, he received a military training as good as, if not superior to, the one of the world best assault strike forces; in the years of his youth, Oogami was ingenuous and easily subject to manipulation due to its pure heart, this induced Tyron high up men to count on him as an important pawn and a well controlled slave, but, as years went by, Ogami’s very pure heart revealed him the horrors that Tyron spread in the world. He then decided to use his position as best Tyron hit-man to gather information and opportunities to make the big hit and escape Tyron. Even with the unquestionable skill that Ogami possessed, such escape wasn’t simple at all and his tracks were never completely lost, forcing him to chose a hidden and nomadic lifestyle; Ogami, however, didn’t simply want to escape Tyron, he wished to help all of his people, the Zooanthropes, whose real identity he perfectly knew. Ogami was enough calm and intelligent not to fall in the trap of hate and revenge: he understood that the possibilities to pay Tyron back for all its crimes were nonexistent, he then decided to try to bring back the sense of familiarity, of the pack to all the dispersed and troubled Zooanthropes that were dispersed across the world and that had no home: he decided to spend his talent not to persecute the way of destruction, but to build a home for all those who, like him, never had one. Sadly, Ogami in his life learned only one art: the Art of War. All that Tyron taught to its "employed" was how to kill people, and Ogami, needing to hide forever from the eyes of the world not to start a new war that would have brought only death and destruction, decided to take up an awful career: the Mercenary. With his skills it wasn’t hard to find contracts and assignments in the zones that no one could claim as its own, spread across the Indo-China quadrant, and soon he stocked up enough renown and founds the give birth to a personal strike team composed of superbly trained mercenaries; it was this team that Ogami trusted with the name of: The Scarlet Cobras.

Under the lead of a military genius like Ogami and trained personally by him, Scarlet Cobras members were destined to become certainly the strongest and most efficient of the military corps, but neither fame nor power were its leader’s aims; he instead founded the Scarlet Cobras with an objective as precise as it was difficult to attain: to gather inside the team ranks all those Zooanthropes that were hunted or orphans without family or home. Ogami invested all his talent and his knowledges stolen from Tyron archives to find all the lost Zooanthropes in the world and he reunited them in his squad as daughters and sons, teaching them the art of fighting and building piece by piece a great itinerant family with a military style with incredible potentials, up to the day when all the Scarlet Cobras members, without any exception, were Zooanthropes. Just when Ogami objective was accomplished, however, he began to question himself about what he did: the squad was strong, efficient and superbly trained and among them every soldier knew the others by name and considered themselves siblings; Ogami really succeeded in breaking the grip that loneliness had on him and on many other young Zooanthropes, but he began to ask himself which was the price for this.

Ogami, while traveling in his quest for other youngs to save, fell in love with a young maid and with her he conceived a child, but it was right then that his doubts became unbearable: to save his son from loneliness and human racism, he should have taken him, along with the mother, in the depths of the jungle, train him to kill people and have him live forever immersed in the violent world that always gripped Ogami. Repulsed by such a thought, Ogami preferred to run away from his beloved and from his son, vanishing in the darkness from which he came, to meditate on if, with what he now saw more as personal ambition than good will, he hadn’t taken his young comrades from a cruel world only to trap them in another one created by himself…

At this time, the squad of the Scarlet Cobras was led by three veterans, one of whom was Ogami himself; the second was Alan Gado, better known as "Le Roi", a dear friend of Ogami that, with the help of Ogami himself, managed to escape Tyron clutches shortly after his friend, while the third was a professional with unquestionable talent and dubious morality in battle, he too escaped form Tyron together with Gado, joining forces to escape the Corporation hounds: his name was Rolento Shugerg. Shugerg was better known inside the squad as "The Man of Destiny" and his leadership, like that of Gado, even got near to that of Ogami himself, having a great ascendant over the young members of the Scarlet Cobras. However, Shugerg’s intentions were not as good as those of the squad leader, he, in fact, had as only goal the use of his skills only to gather power and wealth, and the possibility to take over a whole military strike-force composed by Zooanthropes was more than he ever hoped to obtain… Knowing of the difficult moment Ogami was through, he managed to trick him into a Tyron trap, that in turn never knew that behind the capture of its most wanted ex-member could have been hidden its very "Man of Destiny". Even if Tyron used all of its resources for this trap, however, Ogami was too strong and well trained to be killed in such an action, but Shugerg used this moment to backstab his old comrade and, while only after an hard clash in which he risked his life nonetheless, Shugerg managed to kill Ogami… From that fight he got a long scar that ran from the brow to below the left eye and the inheritance of the world most lethal squad…

Back to the camp, Shugerg told exactly what happened: Ogami fell victim of a Tyron ambush; he obiouvsly passed over his involvement in the matter, but he did more, he did not tell that Ogami died, instead he asserted that "He lost sight of him while executing his order of strategic fall back". Hearing this, Gado, for whom Ogami was like a brother, did exactly what Shugerg was expecting: he decided to leave to search for Ogami, leaving the squad. With his silver tongue, Shugerg convinced Gado that leaving the Squad would have discouraged the youngest members, not only: it would have made many of them quit the squad in their turn, erasing all the work that their "common friend" Ogami did up to that time; so Gado accorded with Shugerg to enact his fake disappearance to be able to leave to search for the deceased comrade. And so, Shugerg in the end remained the only unquestioned leader of the Scarlet Cobras.

The Middle East Mission
