Name: Yugo

"You were Lucky I wasn't in a Foul Mood!"
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NickName: Pain Buster    Full Name: Yugo Ogami
Notes: Yugo is the son whom Ogami left orphaned; he grew up with his mother’s tales of a valorous albeit disappeared father. In order to live, Yugo undertook the Pro Boxer Career and learned all as a self taught student, using the gifts the father left him. For year he searched for a father killed by Shugerg, Yugo in the end came to terms with his Zooanthropic nature and decided to use it to help people. During his travels he met Gado with whom he shared for a brief time the search for his father; also, from Gado, Yugo learned everything about the Zooanthropes and Tyron and, in the climax of the SyliconVille Accident he got to the aid of the squad and became to all effects a member of the New Scarlet Cobras. Strong and hot-headed, Yugo still bears the leftovers of his lonely past and still tries to find his place in the team, perhaps it is for this reason that he has some kind of respect/esteem for Lucifer and still is at good odds with Gado.

Spirit: He has the Spirit of the Wolf.

Quote: "You were Lucky there wasn't a Full Moon!"


Gado Cammy Chun-Li Marvel Angel Lulu Leon Aya
Colt Max Maddalena Yugo Lucifer Diana Squall Ogami
