Name: Maddalena

"...Still Looking at my wings, Pup?"
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NickName: Maddalena    Full Name: Cherill Weinn Dyne
Notes: Cheryl, or, like she prefers to be called, Maddalena, excalated the most impervious social and corporative ladders in the blink of an eye, thanks to her sense for business and wits mixed with a veil of cynicism. Briefly, Maddalena found herself in an high corporative seat and able to do what always fascinated her: trade in information. For a long time Maddalena cooperated with Cammy and Chun-Li as their informer, ignoring her true Zooanthropic nature. During the SyliconVille Accident, Maddalena was called to the place by her former customers, and there she found out her true nature. Maddalena posed her information and satellitar network in the service of the squad seeing in the organization a new possibility to prove her effectiveness as an informer. Now Maddalena is the squad finances and informer, always with an eye to the budget and to possible new members. Maddalena’s tricky disposition attract and at the same time pushes away her comrades friendship.

Spirit: She has the Spirit of the Bat.

Quote: "Everything has a price... Want to know about the bat wings? In that case you could pay a special price.. In blood perhaps?"


Gado Cammy Chun-Li Marvel Angel Lulu Leon Aya
Colt Max Maddalena Yugo Lucifer Diana Squall Ogami
