Name: Squall

"The Brave do not Fear the Grave"
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NickName: Antares    Full Name: Squall Lionheart
Notes: Squall is Gado’s natural son; he searched his whole life for the father who was little more than a memory left by his mother and, in order to follow him, he undertook the way of the bounty hunter. Always swaying between his desidere for a normal life and his passion for combat, Squall saw a ray of light in the meeting of Aya, with whom he recently married. His determination in his personal mission, that made him run across the world chasing the rumors of the apparition of a man similar to the description of the father, rewarded him with success right in the middle of the SyliconVille Accident, where he came to know for the first time of his real Zooanthropic heritage. Now Squall is in the front line in every battle, always by Aya’s and his comrades side, with whom he has a strong bond despite his introverted behavior.

Spirit: He has the Spirit of the Lion.

Quote: "The Brave do not Fear the Grave"


Gado Cammy Chun-Li Marvel Angel Lulu Leon Aya
Colt Max Maddalena Yugo Lucifer Diana Squall Ogami
