Name: Colt

"Wicky Wicky Wa Wa..."
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NickName: Colt Logan    Full Name: Colt Logan
Notes: True expert for what concerns duels, Colt is to be true a bit a on his own. He didn’t want to enter officially the ranks of the squad, remaining some kind of external support. Colt is a modern cowboy who grew up in a family made up wholly of bounty hunters. The family head was someone called Revolver Ocelot, a Zooanthrope with incredible skills that took Colt under his wing feeling the young boy’s powerful blood; however, Colt never suspected this until Cammy told him. Colt has grudge against Ocelot, for, after many years spent together, Ocelot decided to terminate his human team in order to enter the Business alone and to take up more difficult jobs, thus he set himself to the hunt for his own squad after he sent Colt away, hoping to take him back some day. Colt however, never forgave his crime and to this day he chases him to conclude their duel. He unknowingly took part in a series of missions against Tyron together with Aya and Max long before he reached his true form, led by Cammy and Chun-Li advice, up to the day when he got involved in the SyliconVille Accident where he was determining in the termination of Tyron installations. Colt is the one less comfortable in his Zooanthropic skin, especially after the SyliconVille undeads, for this reason, aside for Aya and Max, he hasn’t many strong bonds inside the squad. Like his friends, Colt has a true allergy for the Murder, She Wrote serials and tends to loose control even when he just hears about them.

Spirit: He has the Spirit of the Coyote.

Quote: "Better Chop that Corpse for Good... You Never Know..." ( ... Draws his Mono Knife)


Gado Cammy Chun-Li Marvel Angel Lulu Leon Aya
Colt Max Maddalena Yugo Lucifer Diana Squall Ogami
