NickName: None (yet) Full Name: Arabel Brea
Notes: Besides being the squad
Gunsmith, Aya is also a very good sharpshooter specialized in revolvers.
Aya is one of the two members being artificially bred; this means that
her Zooanthropic nature was artificially induced instead of being a
natural characteristic. In facts, Aya was involved together with her
twin sister and her mother in a deadly car accident when she was really
young; during the late transport to the hospital, the gathered data
were scrutinized by a man of Tyron Corp, who, judging them good, subtracted
Aya from medical attention and took her to the company facilities. There,
scientists made the first attempts of their mad project, releasing her
to normal life afterwards, waiting for the results. Surprisingly, Aya
menaged to live perfectly with such a mutation (which remained latent)
through all her life. Her training was cured by her father who had a
great military experience in actual war and was decorated many times
as a S.W.A.T. member. Aya was involved in a series of astounding episodes
by Cammy and Chun-Li,
episodes which ended in the SyliconVille
Accident, where she had a main role in the resolution of the
event. In SyliconVille, Aya met her true form for the first time and,
with her willpower, filled the lacks that Tyron could not engineer in
her prototype. Up to this day her unique ability as a healer are vital
to the whole squad. Aya is faring well with all the other members, but
has a special bond with Colt and Max,
with whom she lived incredible adventures just before they got in SyliconVille,
and most of all with Squall whom she
married lately. She has the strange compulsion (like Max) of shooting
at TVs playing films starring Angela Lansbury.
She has the Spirit of the Evolution.
Quote: "The Worst Foe Lies Within..." |