Name: Diana

"Are We Already on Air?"
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NickName: None(yet)    Full Name: Diana Payne
Notes: Diana was Max’s blind sister, whom Tyron kidnapped in order to transform her into the mother of a new generation of abomination; "was" because following her First Change into Crinos, her blindness disappeared, as did the loneliness in which she lived. Diana still hasn’t a defined role in the squad, since she was never trained for combat, but her kindness her motherly love for everyone made her the perfect supporter. To this time, she is still trying to adapt in her new Zooanthropic condition, even if in the squad everybody likes her and care for her diligently.

Spirit: She has the Spirit of the Queen Bee.

Quote: "Uh... Well... I Don’t Know What to say... Ehm... Are we already recording?..."


Gado Cammy Chun-Li Marvel Angel Lulu Leon Aya
Colt Max Maddalena Yugo Lucifer Diana Squall Ogami
