NickName: Revolver Ocelot Full Name: Unknown
Notes: Ocelot is Colt's
"Father in Law": he raised and trained him since he was young. Ocelot was also
the leader of Colt's former bounty hunters group, which he apparently cared for like a
father. However, Ocelot plans were very different: he was an Old Fashioned dueller who
loved just his gun and the thrill of the fight. When he took Colt under his wing, he knew
of his Zooanthropic Blood and raised him in the hope he could become his greatest
challenge. When he thought the time was mature, he sent Colt away from the Squad and lead
all his other "Sons" into a trap, killing them one by one. To this day, his
Whereabouts are unknown, and Colt is still on his tail to pay him back for what he did to
his "Family".
He has the Spirit of the Ocelot.
Quote: "I just Love reloading while I'm
Duelling..." |