After School Adventure
Members Involved |
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Mission Relator |
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Part 1: Our First School Day |
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When we arrived in the school we suddenly met
the principal, a man, like any other, like any other principal, who asked not to cause
troubles..... we were sent to our cottage in the campus. On the first day of real school we tried, asking to the other students, to gain some information; in fact, we knew that the girl who died was the daughter of a member of the Mafia and that some of his men were besieging the campus, the boy was instead a motherfucking son of a bitch who everybody hated The second murder happened one week after the first one and the circumstances were also very different: in fact, the boy was on the rooftop we dont know why- when he supposedly fell to his death and his body was later found three floors below with the chest ripped while the girl was training in the pool during the night and witnesses said that some pieces of her brain were found floating on the water surface. At this point we decided to make patrols during the night. Volts also met a girl named Michelle which was quite sure to be a vampire slayer and we found out that she and her pals were doing also patrols to "defend" their college. |
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Part 2: Violin Wires |
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During the second night patrol there had been another crime happened. We couldnt prevent it because we arrived late, but the killer made a false step which let us begin solving the mystery; in fact, when we had the possibility of investigating on the crime scene (the library), we found out that the guys head had been cut off with wires like violin ones; so we started to dig on that path. During the next day we concentrated on the search around the school camp and found a veryveryvery old funeral building in the schools woods: such construction wasnt readily identifiable as anyone we knew and even the most acculturated Scarlet Cobras members could not identify it on sight, but we sent back to the base the pictures of the funeral building waiting for the results of the researches. |
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Part 3: A New Scarlet Cobras Member |
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A few days later, someone believed responsible for the murders was arrested. We were asked by the HQ to contact the subject and to verify his guilt. We reached the Police department and used fake documents, provided by "auntie" Maddalena, to get him out of jail. From the very first dialogue, it was clear that he was not the murderer, he was probably only wandering the place too late at night, moreover, a shocking revelation stroke us: the young man was a Zooanthrope! His name was Damocle: he seemed to recognize our Zooanthropic nature simply by "Smelling" us or something, understanding the situation, we decided to welcome Damocle under our tutelage, while we waited for Aya to come investigating on his nature and his reliability. |
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Part 4: When People don't Understand |
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During another patrol (days Later) we could assist another crime, in fact two other boys entered the science labs in order to have one of their best jokes accomplished; alas, luck did not find their sense of humor appealing and while they were on the verge of their accomplishment, they literally exploded without apparently no reason. At this point we had the first contact with the entity we later named as "the druid"; we tried to establish a contact with the druid but he was not so happy to establish contact with us... So, we had the first fight against him and we discovered he was quite good in handling the lightning element and he had a quite good skill in using something like wires to grapple the people, he could fly and make himself invisible, moreover we saw he had a sort of mask representing a deer. |
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Part 5: Damocle's Sword |
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It was time to learn more about
our new "friend" Damocle, so we decided to talk
about him more calmly. We choose a fast food restaurant to talk about it, but in the
middle of our chat, we saw some girls that seemed afraid of some mean-looking men dressed
in black; we decided to protect and aid help them escaping. However, it was a trap: they
were Tyrons assassins, as were also the men in black, they were there to recover
Damocle! A fight broke out right in the middle of the street, and we were also aided by
Aya who arrived just in time to get us in her car and fly away. When we could talk in a
quieter place, we came to know that, unknowingly to him, the young man (Damocle is the name) was probably a Tyron experiment, a New
Generation Zooanthrope which Tyron had lost. Aya explained the new guy the situation and
had him contact Gado himself and after a brief chat with him,
he joined the Scarlet cobras ranks. N.B. dont make Damocles get angry. |
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Part 6: The Freeman Foundation |
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Although blind, Damocle declared that he had some kind of "sixth sense" for mystical energies and he felt a trail that led to a cultural foundation that went by the name of Freeman Foundation. A quick tour insede the foundation museum revealed the presence of a strange Celtic mask with deer horns, nearly the same which the druid was wearing. We decided to infiltrate the foundation by night and investigate over such mask, but we didnt find any evidence of the druid there, just that mask and a coffin We were afraid of that being a vampires coffin or some other magical or mystical item, but any investigation proved fruitless. We decided instead to guard the foundation to see if someone was using the mask to accomplish the murders nobody ever got in and nobody ever got out with the mask, however |
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Part 7: The Druid's Trap |
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For several nights, we waited for something to get out of the Freeman Foundation, however, the Druid stroke without anticipation, even if apparently nobody entered or left the foundation. We chased the Druid and forced him to confront us, however, even if we outnumbered him and were physically stronger, he lured us in a series of traps built with the same strange strings he seemed to master so well. On this occasion, Ramon was nearly killed by one of these traps: all because we were not yet accustomed to our new shapechanging abilities, if only Ramon would have been in Glabro, that would have not been such a problem However, with Damocles help, we were able to confuse he druid and force him to retreat |
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Part 8: Truth |
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Finally we were able to get some information from the HQ regarding the Funeral building: it seemed to belong to the Celtic tradition and, even if such rituals are nearly unknown in our country, it was conceivable that someone could have imported a small part of such traditions during the emigrations that led the fugitives and the refugees form Europe to the American land. Aya said that the "grave" we found was, probably, some kind of catalyst, still containing the druids life force: until it wouldnt have been "deactivated", the Druids Soul would have been able to manifest again and again, no matter how many times his physical body would have been destroyed. In fact, the druid could probably manifest himself through the use of the Mask held in the freeman foundation, but in order to do this, it had to possess the body of some weak or corruptible person. It also seemed that such Druid belonged to a "dark" branch of his faith, also, before he could manifest fully in this world, he had to absorb the spiritual energies of his victims, therefore, since his manifestation leeched his power, he had to manifest rarely, to spare his energies. That is why with the more victims fell, the more often he could manifest and the more powerful were his skills. Thanks to Aya we were able to find the ritual to seal his hideout and we promptly applied it so that he could not resrrect, then we set out in search of his material body |
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Part 9: Guilty |
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The violin strings that the Druid used were of a special mesh, a mesh made of animal guts. This meant that the Druid, who had a strong connection with natural elements, could use those making them move as he pleased. Since such strings are usually reserved for the best violins and cost much, we investigated where they could be found and we came to know that it was a member of the music club who bought them and we had the seller screen the club members pictures and point out the customer. It was Ted Carter so we decided to have a little chat with this guy. When we reached his cottage, something was amiss. Inside we found the dead bodies of Carters roommates that animated like zombies under the Druids direction. We could force him into battle again, but he could once again escape. |
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Convinced that the druid had to hide somewhere during the day, we tried to discover the hideout of the druid to finish him, so we searched all around the school and we found a very important relic: while me and Ramon by knocking the schools walls we found a cemented room with inside the mummified rests of a man: T H E S C H O O L K E E P E R. (mmmm........mummified??? ah the followers of the mighty ancient egyptian god of the mighty death arrived here in 2000 a.d.???) who was linked to a urban legend of the school which told that, in the past, a man died imprisoned in a section of the school that was sealed without knowing that he was still there. Unfortunately this was not useful for the mission.......... |
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Part 11: Finish Him |
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Since his capture drawed near, the Druid decided to change the place of feeding and, after leaving the body of Ted Carter he possessed another guy and decided to terminate the whole school: since his powers werent yet at their best, he used the good old way. He planted bombs all along and decided to blow up the school. However, since his handling of explosive wasnt perfect, the last one blew up in his face, killing his hosts body, and leaving him vulnerable to our assault; the following battle was gruesome, but in the end, Kain and Sion managed to close the distances and rip him apart literally. It wasnt finished yet: the other bombs where still to be defused and we did not have the smallest experience! We called back to Cammy and Chun-Li, while Ramon contacted his uncle in order to have some on-line guide to defuse the bombs with our own hands. The timer ticked faster and faster and we cut all the wires that we deemed right, hoping for the best and Well, if Im telling this story, it means that we probably succeeded, no? (Probably?). Well: Mission Accomplished! |