"Keep your Gun always clean..."

"Sometimes the difference between life and death could be measured in grenades lenght, so, you don't want to be left without such a valuable ally right in the heat of battle, right? But how many grenades can you take along during a mission? Well, it depends on your budget which is determined by how risky your mission is. To find out what I mean go check out the Credits and Risk Ratio sections of Maddalena's Foolproof Debriefing Course. Below are listed, sorted by category, all of the equipment available at the moment for you to go out on missions. Choose well what you will purchase and remember that you'll also need a place to sleep besides ammo and weapons, so, watch your expenses, Maddalena is No Filanthtrope!"

Space.gif (54 byte)
Weapons Ammo Hand to Hand Transports
Contacts Lodgings Kits IDs
Special Equip Miscellaneous Supports


Space.gif (54 byte)
Diff Rate Clip I A Dam Cost
7 3/FA 30 +0 +1 7 350 Cr
7 3/FA 42 +0 +1 7 550 Cr
6 3/FA 20 +0 +1 7 550 Cr
Space.gif (54 byte)
Diff Rate Clip I A Dam Cost
6 1 1 +0 +0 Spec. 100 Cr
6 2 2 +1 -1 4 120 Cr
6 2 6 +0 +0 5 200 Cr
6 2 6 +0 +0 6 275 Cr
Space.gif (54 byte)
Diff Rate Clip I A Dam Cost
6 4 19 +1 +1 4 155 Cr
6 4 100 +0 +0 4 250 Cr
6 4 12 +1 +1 5 250 Cr
6 3 9 +0 +1 6 350 Cr
5 4 16 +1 +2 4 400 Cr
5 4 10 +1 +2 5 500 Cr
Space.gif (54 byte)
Diff Rate Clip I A Dam Cost
7 1 25 -1 +2 7 400 Cr
6 1 20 -1 +3 7 600 Cr
7 1 10 -1 +3 7 500 Cr
6 1 3 +0 +0 5 250 Cr
Space.gif (54 byte)
Diff Rate Clip I A Dam Cost
6 3/3B 20 +1 +1 4 250 Cr
6 3/3B 30 +1 +1 4 350 Cr
6 3/3B 32 +0 +0 5 350 Cr
Space.gif (54 byte)
Diff Rate Clip I A Dam Cost
6 2 7 +0 +1 8 375 Cr
6 2 8 +1 +1 8 450 Cr
6 2/3B 20 +0 +1 8 650 Cr
Space.gif (54 byte)
Diff Rate Clip I A Dam Cost
5 1 1 +0 +1 By Type 350 Cr
3 1 1 +0 +1 By Type 400 Cr
7 1 10 +0 +0 8 900 Cr
7 5/FA 100 +0 +0 8 1500 Cr
8 1 1 -1 +0 13 1500 Cr
8 1 1 -1 +0 12 1500 Cr
8 1 1 -1 +0 24 2500 Cr
Space.gif (54 byte)
Diff Rate Clip I A Dam Cost
4 1 1 +0 +0 8 100 Cr
/ 1 1 +0 +0 8 100 Cr
/ 1 1 +0 +0 8 350 Cr
/ 1 1 +0 +0 8 225 Cr
4 1 1 +0 +0 6 125 Cr
4 1 1 +0 +0 6 75 Cr
4 1 1 +0 +0 None 75 Cr
4 1 1 +0 +0 None 100 Cr
4 1 1 +0 +0 None 50 Cr
4 1 1 +0 +0 Spec. 75 Cr
7 1 1 / / 12 300 Cr
4 1 1 +0 +0 Spec. 25 Cr


#-of-Bullets Weapon Type Cost
30 Assault Rifle Bullets 125 Cr
16 Revolver Bullets 50 Cr
15 Automatic Bullets 75 Cr
10 Rifle Bullets 100 Cr
10 Shotgun Bullets 100 Cr
15 SMG Bullets 75 Cr
10 Flamethrower Shots 450 Cr
100 M-60 Bullets 700 Cr

SRAAW Missile

300 Cr
1 Small Mortar Shell 300 Cr
1 Large Mortar Shell 450 Cr
Special Ammo
Name Special Ammo Effects Cost
Tranquilizer Darts Bash Dam for 3 Turns, +3 Body Armor x1 Cr
Armor Piercing -1 Dam, Halves Body Armor x3 Cr
AP Explosive Halves Body Armor x5 Cr
AP Incendiary Halves Body Armor x4 Cr
Duplex -2 Dam, Two Shots x6 Cr
Explosive +1 Damage x4 Cr
Hollow Point +2 Dam, +2 Body Arm. x3 Cr
Incendiary +1 Dam, May cause Fire x2 Cr
Tracers -1 Diff after 1st shot x2 Cr
Reversed Ogive +2 Dam, 1/2 Body Arm. x7 Cr

Special Shotgun Ammo

AP Slug -1 Dam, Halves Body Armor x3 Cr
Explosive +2 Dam, 2 Hex Radius x6 Cr
Fireball +2 Dam, 1 Hex Radius x6 Cr



Hand to Hand



Steel Whip
Bastard Sword
Butterfly Sword
Hook Sword
Long Sword
Short Sword
2 Handed Sword
3 Section Staff
Throwing Knife
Conceal I A D M Cost
J +0 +0 +1 +0 100 Cr
J +2 +1 +2 +0 350 Cr
J +1 +0 +1 +0 125 Cr
N +1 +1 +1 +0 150 Cr
J +0 +0 +1 +0 200 Cr
T +1 +0 +2 +0 300 Cr
J +1 +0 +1 +0 200 Cr
P -3 +0 +3 None 150 Cr
J +1 +1 +3 +0 250 Cr
J +1 +1 +1 +0 175 Cr
N +0 +1 +2 +0 150 Cr
T +0 +0 +2 +0 100 Cr
J +1 +0 +2 +0 200 Cr
P +2 +0 +1 +0 200Cr
T +0 +0 +4 +0 450 Cr
T +1 +0 +2 +0 300 Cr
T +0 +0 +3 +0 400 Cr
T +1 +1 +3 +0 500 Cr
T +0 +0 +3 +0 350 Cr
T +1 +1 +2 +0 350 Cr
T +0 +0 +2 +0 300 Cr
T +0 +1 +5 +0 500 Cr
T +1 +0 +2 +0 400 Cr
T +0 +1 +1 +0 300 Cr
T +0 +0 +3 +0 400 Cr
J -1 +0 +1 +0 230 Cr
J +0 +1 +1 +0 150 Cr
P +1 +0 +1 +0 50 Cr
P +1 +0 +1 +0 100 Cr






Local Public Transport Free (One for All Members)
Reserved Car
Personal Sport Car
Personal Truck
Personal Jeep
Personal Motor Boat
Personal Fishermen Boat
Personal Yacht / Sport Boat
Personal Copter
Personal Plane
1000 Cr
3000 Cr
5000 Cr
6000 Cr
5000 Cr
5000 Cr
6000 Cr
7000 Cr
10000 Cr
20000 Cr






Local Taxi Driver
Local Police Officer
Local Netrunner
Local Informer
2500 Cr
4000 Cr
3500 Cr
3500 Cr






Artic Armored Uniforms
Gillie Suite
Professional LockPick Tools Kit
Informatic Kit
SWAT Incursion Kit
Mechanic Kit
Electronics Kit
Disguise Kit
Dufuse Kit
Parachute Kit
Mountaneer Gear
SCUBA Diving Gear
Gas Filtering Mask
200 Cr
200 Cr
500 Cr
500 Cr
300 Cr
200 Cr
250 Cr
125 Cr
200 Cr
150 Cr
125 Cr
100 Cr
75 Cr






Fake Civilian IDs (One for All Members)
Fake Corp or Public Service IDs (One for All Members)
Fake Police IDs (One for All Members)
Fake P.I. IDs (One for All Members)
Fake Paramilitary Agency IDs (One for All Members)
Fake CIA or FBI IDs (One for All Members)
Fake Military IDs (One for All Members)
Fake Military Secret Services IDs (One for All Members)
500 Cr
600 Cr
800 Cr
1000 Cr
1750 Cr
3500 Cr
4500 Cr
7000 Cr






Motel Room
Hotel Room (3 Stars)
Hotel Room (4 Stars)
Hotel Room (5 Stars)
Local Head Quarters
1500 Cr
3000 Cr
5000 Cr
6000 Cr
8000 Cr
10000 Cr
10000 Cr



Scarlet Cobras Special Equipment


"Keep your Gun always clean..."

"If your Personal Credits can't afford aquiring a piece of True Scarlet Cobras Special Equip, you can "borrow" it instead for the duration of your mission only. This is less expensive and you can use your Mission Credits instead of the Personal ones. The downside is, of course, that you have to give the equip back once the mission is over."


Power Glove
Battle Boots
The Hook (Power Glove Option)
Taser Hand (Power Glove Option)
Scarlet Cobras High Uniform
Scarlet Cobras Red Beret
Scarlet Cobras Ultimate Infiltration Suit
1 Faith, Fury or Ki Dog Tag
1 Spirit Tag
1 Combo Tag
240 Cr
400 Cr
120 Cr
320 Cr
240 Cr
480 Cr
3000 Cr
240 Cr
2000 Cr
3000 Cr






First Aid Spray (20 Doses)

1000 Cr
(750 Cr if you successfully Completed Leonardo's Legacy Mission)

Anestethics (5 Doses)

100 Cr

Tranquilizer Weapon Mod (Weapon Rate drops to 1, only semi-automatic weapons)

-25% to Weapon Cost

Weapon Flashlight

100 Cr

Weapon Silencer (if Weapon Permits)

25 Cr

Laser Sights

125 Cr


125 Cr

Targeting Scope (if Weapon Permits)

125 Cr

Multi Optic Goggles

250 Cr

C-4 Explosive Charge

150 Cr

Anti-Tank Mine

600 Cr

ECM Device (Disrupts Radio Comunication)

400 Cr

Hand Size Mine Detector

250 Cr

Motion Detector

225 Cr

Spy Microphone and Receiver

125 Cr


75 Cr

I.R. Binoculars

130 Cr

Wardrobe (for Disguising Purposes) 

700 Cr

Equipment Return

+ 1/10 Credit Cost to Personal Credits

Unused Credits

+ 1/5 Unused Value to Personal Credits

Supports List Page

PC Hiring Page

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