The Combo Tags

The Combo Tags
Class: Item Enhancement Cost: 1.500 Credits

Advantages: Inscribe Your Spirit Tags with The Words of your Choice.

Description: The Only Limit that the Powerful Spirit Tags face is the fact that each soldier can only wear two tags at a time, so, if you wear two Spirit Tags, you won't be able to get the bonus points that the Faith, Fury and Ki Dog Tags bestow, on the other hand, wearing one of such objects would prevent you from having the permanent bonuses granted by the Spirit Tags. With this Customization, you'll catch two birds with one stone: it in facts makes possible the mixing of the two benefits. With this operation ONE of your Spirit Tags (which you must already possess) can be inscribed with Words of Inspiration, granting you the same bonuses of a standard Faith, Rage or Ki Dog Tag (choose one) in addition to the bonuses you already got from your Spirit Tag. For Example if you purchased a Lion Tag (+1 to Strength) and you buy this option, you can have it inscribed the same words you would put on a Faith Tag (+2 Bonus Willpower Point per Story) thereby making it a "Faith Lion Tag" (+1 to Strength, +2 Bonus Willpower Point per Story).