like a weapon can share part of its owner life force, objects can be
infused with spiritual energy. This is exactly the concept behind
these wonders. These are common Dog Tags, with nothing inscribed upon
them, but inside of them, a powerful oath lies waiting for a valiant
warrior to answer its call. Upon completing the infusion, the Symbol
of the enclosed Spirit automatically appears upon the Tags, marking
them as real Empowered Tools. Once the Spirit Tags are worn and the
oath of defending the helpless is sworn, the Spirit lends its power to
its wearer, enhancing his abilities as long as the Tags are worn. Each
soldier can wear a maximum of Two Dog Tags of any kind, (Comprising
normal ones): if this limit is breached, none will function; these are
symbols of loyalty and honor, not Supercharging Pills and if you treat
them that way, they will probably return the favor. This means that
you can't have 1 Wolf Tag, 1 Lion
Tag and 1 Bat Tag; you can't even have two
of the previous group plus 1 Faith Dog Tag. You
can, however, mix ONE Spirit Tag with ONE of the
and Ki Dog
Tags. You can also have Two Spirit Tags with the same Spirit, thus
strengthening their effects (i.e.: two Wolf
Tags would mean Rage +2), although this will count against your
maximum number of Tags, making impossible to wear any one of the other
Tags. Remember that each of the prices and advantages written below
are intended for a SINGLE Tag only and that each of these counts as a
2nd Level Empowered Tool. |