
"Money, money, Dinero..."

"It's time to talk about one of my favourite subjects: Money. You see, while the Scarlet Cobras are running a holy war to save the world from a nazist megacorporation, nobody knows that, except for themselves, and nobody pays them for that either. Some of the members still mantain a job to fill out their daily expenses, the rest of them, they are on my charge... The Scarlet Cobras live out in a social structure that is a kind of community: they pool up their founds and spend them to increase the Team resources. Personal expenses are really an optional as you don't have much fun when you are busy saving the world... Now, since equipment is basilar in a mission, the Scarlet Cobras trust only the best of it; however, the high degree of danger and the fact that all are Covert Ops, also mean that they must really be careful about the equipment they choose and how often they must "cleanse" it. In the end the solution adopted was fairly simple: exclude the personal owning of equipment and stock out an armoury that depended on the total founds of the members. But, even with this solution, founds are still low to run an all-out war against Tyron, and no money may be wasted; so, to reduce to minimum useless founds waste, a system to classify the reperibility of equipment and support was created: these are called Credits.
Credits, as I just said, classify how much an item is expensive also taking into account the difficulty to find such item through covert means, the real necessity of subtracting such items to the squad armoury, and the difficulty to make it untrackable after the mission. So, every mission is given a "budget" of credits that can be spent on equipment and support, based on the difficulty the mission presents and taking into account the need of equipment and optionals to ease the completion of such mission. Credits do not translate in any mundane monetary unit and for a Medium Risk mission you can expect 12.000 Credits to spend. Go check it out what you can purchase with that much in the Gear Room. The Amount of Credits listed in the mission briefing entry is the total amount of credits the team gets, not the individual found every partecipant gets, so you should purchase equipment togheter with your teammates.
If you would like to purchase more than what you would be allowed, to the mission credits, you can add up your Personal Credits: these are a form of trust lending that depend on your actions: if you have the renown of breaking or squandering equipment or if you are known to always overload your allowance, you probably won't get much trust, but if you are the kind of soldier that never shoots unless required or can complete a mission without spending too much or spending the right to accomplish incredible feats, you can be sure that you'll be allowed what is due. Personal credits are stocked in three ways:
First: Based on Renown: You get 50 Cr for every permanent point of Renown, also the higher you rank, the more Credits you get: multiply the Credits got in this way by (Rank x 2)-1 times.
Second: Based on leftovers: the assigned equipement is not to be considered totally exploitable, our revolution needs to save whenever possible, so, if you bring back your equipment intact, you get 1/20 of its Credit value in Personal Credits, if you instead save cash without exploiting all of the mission budget you get 1/10 of the unspent budget as personal credits (these, of course are collective awards)
Third: Based on reliability: depending on your success rate, your accuracy or stealth in mission, you can be rewarded in the form of personal credits. There is no precise system to assign such reward (up to this time), but, obiouvsly, the more efficient and less risky the method employed or the results attained, the higher the reward.
Personal credits accumulate from mission to mission, while the budget credits reset every new mission, so it is possible to buy special support or equipment with the saving of the past missions that would be otherwise unavailable. Note also that credits may be spent to purchase equipment and support only in the briefing stage of the mission, once you leave, the leftovers are added to your personal credits as described above and you no longer get to spend them to get supplies. Once the mission begins, other equipment must be purchased on spot (POS)
That should be all for Mission Credits"