Risk Ratio

"About The Risk Ratio..."

"All too often, people like the members of the Scarlet Cobras, face danger at every turn of their life and, with no doubt, if they dispatch a team to solve a problem, you can be sure that such problem involves quite a degree of danger... Or they would have called in the Red Cross instead... Here is listed the Supposed Risk Ratio that those partecipating are going to face. When I say supposed I mean just that: what it seems appropriate from the first scanning of the possible evolutions of the situations comprising the mission. Also, the Risk Ratio is assigned trusting in a regular behaviour of the team members: if you screw up for a wrong course of actions and get chased by 2.000 angry FBI members, well it's just too bad if your mission Risk Ratio listed instead "Just damn easy man!" and you got equipped just with a chopstick... Talking of equipment, the Risk Ratio is directly responsible for the number of Credits assigned to the squad undertaking the mission, which directly affects the equipment you can take along with you: it is not really profitable to give away a stinger or two to men who must just pickup some flowers in a beautiful field and since it's MY money you are squandering, you are not going to get away with that..."