Forbidden Lore
Members Involved |
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Mission Relator |
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Part 1: Urban Legends |
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The Costabrava's Townfolks really looked clueless to what might have befall on them; all they knew was simply that in a blink of the eye, bad luck seemed to have rained upon them like it never did before. The more legend-inclined of them went on spoking of old tales that their parents used to spook them in their childhood, tales about the vengeful spirits of the dead that would inhabit the nearby forest and who were just waiting for the fools to get near their dens; being the first person demonstration that sometimes legends speak the truth, we were wary for any spiritic activity in the surrounding zone and began investigating. Our first concern was to verify if the zone was a renown place for mysterious events and missing people, but, no matter how careful the investigation, Costabrava History records never showed anything like that, not even something closer to this; we thus considered the option that a "vengeful spirit", or anything like that, could have been awakened only recently, explaining the missing connection to past events, however, something more intresting came along the way. |
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Part 2: Collusion |
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During our investigation, we were strictly surveilled by the Sheriff's men and in many occasion, our questions went unanswered by the Sheriff himself: we got strongly convinced that he was hiding something. The sheriff got particularly irritated when we got around asking questions over the accidents happened to the school bus or over the two dead teachers. This pointed us in the right direction. Investigating over the school members, we came to know that the accidents did not start right from where we knew the story, there was, in fact, a piece of information that passed unnoticed: a bit before the first accident, a group of students, bound for an excursion in the nearby woods, disappered never to be heard of again. Speaking with the journalist who voiced the news in the first place, we came to know that he was oblivious to this fact too: the sheriff (whom he interviewed for first-hand information) never mentioned about this fact. It was clear that someone was trying to cover up something and that this "excursion" was in someway linked to the disaster. In order to cover up this fact whoever did this had to benefit from a great deal of influence over the local authorities and presses and if such info could not be bought even by Maddalena's prowess, it means that this Mystery Man knows his dealings pretty well |
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Part 3: Blair Witch Hunt |
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We set to the woods, sure that we'd find our answers there, prepared to face what the young boy scouts had awakened, but what we found was far beyond our expectation. During our night mission, we intercepted a clearly inhuman figure travelling at high speed through the forest and we set to its chase. When we finally cornered him, we faced a Fully Grown Zooanthrope ready for battle. For the three of us, dispatching the problem wasn't difficult, however, we took care not to kill the subject for further interrogation. Questioning the subject provided useful information, although a bit disquieting: the boy had changed shape a few days before our arrival in town, that is, after the accidents had already begun, from that point on, he remained hidden in the woods, trying to figure out what to do, but his health conditions were worsening with the passage of time. It seemed that his form was not fully stable and it was deperishing over time: to our greatest displeasure, we understood that it was just a matter of time before the boy's body could not endure the stress anymore and would thus cease functioning. He seemed aware of this too, but it didn't seem to worry him too much; he instead insisted that the town faced a great danger, for he knew who was responsible for the latest disasters. Although the subject admitted that in a few instances Rage got the best of him and forced him to senseless acts of violence, he told us that many of the crimes were not his fault and were not dictated by madness, but by wicked will. |
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Part 4: Sons of the Devil |
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The subject we captured related that there were "others like him" hiding in the woods and said that they were probably the same youngs that disappeared in the forest during their scouting: they had always been reckless and wicked and now that they could access such incredible powers, they began raining destruction wherever they wished, just for the fun of it. This was how the story went in our "prisoner"'s opinion. Decided to verify that ourselves, we prepared for ambush along the path that the boy pointed as the one more frequently used by this mysterious gang. To our amazement, half a dozen of well dressed subjects really passed through and, to our senses, they all registered as full Zooanthropes. We closed our trap to investigate the matter, but, when confronted, the subjects immediately switched to Crinos form, confirming our fears and began a counter attack. Their training was less than scarce and they did not act as an organized unit at all; this permitted us to easily gain the upper hand in a short time, but when they understood they faced defeat, they suddenly fell into a berserker frenzy trying to slash their way open. During this furionus assault, the already dying body of the young man helping us did not bear the stress of battle and gave its last breat. May the Lord take him in Glory. However frenzy did not help our target escape, although it forced us to fight for our ife and use killing power to bring them down... as a result, the information we could capture from them was extremely scarce, but they spoke of some kind of "Messenger of the Devil" who promised them immortality and god-like power and, with no doubt, he satisfied its promises. |
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Part 5: Questions |
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Our first Hypotesis was that these truly were the young men who scouted the woods a few days before and then disappeared; this proved true at identification, but the fact that they were all Zooanthropes and Awakened all at the same time under no particular stimuli made no sense: if such was the case, it would have been, perhaps, a 1 in a ten billion case. Having spoke of someone "granting" them power, we believed that in the area some kind of dark spiritual energy could be at work, perhaps the boys just found out some lost sanctuary with unknown powers, perhaps truly able of granting a Zooanthropic form, or perhaps they were possessed by the ghosts of some long time dead Zooanthropes craving for revenge. To verify this theory we scouted the area searching for any paranormal activity, but our search returned no results... There is no sign of any mystical power in the area... Nor any sign of Tyron involvement, as we secondarly thought, but the area was free of their presence and no one ever came back to retrieve any eventual "lost specimen"...This left us with a handful of young Zooanthropes who banded together under mysterious circumstances: an event that can hardly be described as "casual"... Our investigation did not clarify anything more, but we could only conclude it with the direst of suppositions: there truly exists someone really able to bestow the Zooanthropic powers besides our long time enemy Tyron... Someone whose goals are still unknown... |
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