Jack The Ripper

Members Involved

Voltz (BlitzKrieg) Prisma Cammy (Fast Reload) Chun-Li (Black Lotus)

Mission Relator
The One who filled the Report: Voltz

"Many times, Tyron does not even need to make plans to disrupt people's lives, it just stands there and that can be enough, as this mission proved... Not a so happy discovery... Anyway, our battle is Neverending... Every morning a Zooanthrope wakes up and knows he will have to fight, Every morning a Tyron Francescommerdian wakes up and knows he will have to fight... At Sunset, a Zooanthrope always comes back home..."


Part 1: Arrival

As soon as we reached the town, Prisma and I estabilished our headquarters in the motel we were assigned from the Scarlet Cobras as living quarters. It was since then very clear that Prisma would have left the base only under the direst circumstances, which I hoped not to face. The following day I took contact with the NetRunner Maddalena provided in order to estabilish a fake identity and set up a private mail box where to receive any kind of material without arousing suspicions. 

Part 2: Info

After receiving and examining the Police Reports on the murder, I came to know that the coroner did not yet perform the routine analisys on the bodies, I thereby decided to aquire such data in person. Thus I entered the morgue under a journalistic cover and asked to see the corpses; I found them in strange conditions, for what I could glean from them, showing some strange clue: the mother's one was repeatedly stabbed, but the wounds were a bit too deep and violent for being performed by a girl or a boy. The father's one was instead in and advanced state of decomposition, as if his whole body tissue underwent a serious and widespread necrosis. It seemed that he had died some time before his wife, things which made no sense in the general picture as the Police detectives described it.

Part 3: The Walking Dead

From what the reports said, the man came home late that evening just in time to be slaughtered by his own daughter, however, the corpse clearly showed he had died at least a couple of hours before. I thus supposed that whoever murdered him, had to carry back the body to the crime scene to simulate the double murder. My next step was to verify the children's alibi for the past few days... but it turned out to be a waste of time: the children were confirmed at school every day, his wife had her presence confirmed in some bingo hall and the like and he himself worked till late evening in the construction site he directed. It became necessary to inspect both the crime scene and where he worked. The house showed up very little: after bypassing the security service, I inspected every room in the house, but it just showed a standard family living its standard life, I also searched for any eventual "hidden area", but to no avail. Next stop, the construction site. With some manipulative skill I convinced one of the man's former employed to let me access the man's personal desk. There truth striked me like a Ninja's Flying Kick. The Police Detectives overlooked a very important clue: the man had moved a legal action against a nearby chemical plant who, in his opinion, polluted the water stream running next to the working site and for this cause he and his men had to stand terrible smells which sometimes caused nausea; the man had also collected a polluted water sample as evidence of his words. I immediately sent the vial I found in the desk drawer to Maddalena for furhter analisys and I flung myself to the morgue, with the fixed idea that, perhaps, the man came in contact with a mutogen substance and underwent some physiological transformation... Maybe the local plant was heavily linked to Tyron corp. itself... If such was the case, I could try using the First Aid Spray on the corpse to verify its humanity...

Part 4: Alien Invader

Once I got to the morgue, I had the doctor busy with a call from my NetRunner and got to work. While mantaining Radio contact with Cammy and Chun-Li, I sprayed the corpse with our Regeneration Boosting Spray only to witness... A far worse event than what I expected! The body, instead of mildly reacting to the application, started to change shape and came back to life. I had to engage the enemy, since it was nowhere near to being willing to comunicate and it showed a ravenous appetite for me; after a brief hand-to-hand combat, I defeated the creature and set it aflame, to prevent any furhter resurrection. Attracted by the noise the doctor came back to see what happened; to prevent any information leak, I had to stun her and take her away. For the same reason, I had Chun-Li guide me in the operation of bombing part of the morgue to cleanse every proof of my passage and, with a pyrotechnic explosion, which nearly burnt my ass, I left the place with my mission nearly completed.

Part 5: Conclusions

The story so far... Form what I could glean from the facts, the tale should fairly simple: a simple, ordinary man, directing a construction site (a big score for his career) begins noticing some of his men show signs of an upcoming illness. Worried he starts investigating and discovers a nearby stream carrying poisonous fluids and take a sample as evidence for such crime. Perhaps he gets too near to the poisoned waters and that affects him beyond his worst nightmare. One day like many others, he comes back home, perhaps he is ill too, he coughs a bit... Then it happens, Tyron mutogenic serum takes its toll on the man who begins to change into a ravenous beast with only one need: to feed. His ovedriven methabolism is imperfect, and while making him a monster, it also devours him from the inside, having his tissues age and die in matter of seconds, but before this happens, he sees what once was his wife and he feels he must feed: so he slashes her apart... By that time, he his already near death, but the children come back home and see the man in his orrible form, the Delirium is induced upon them and they fall unconscious. The man dies before he can kill them too and reverts to his natural form, the police comes and they accuse the children. Meanwhile, the Tyron mutation goes back to work, reconstructing the dead tissues until it will be able to walk again and then repeat the degenerative process... From this point on, I enter the Scene...
But this aside: why all this had to happen? Tyron did not really try to create a combat specimen, nor was it trying to pollute the countryside... This time it was no Tyron plan that destroyed the lives of this family... It was simply their presence, like giants that trample ants beneath their feet without even knowing (or caring) for what they are doing... Luckyly, now these ants have their Champions...

Part 6: Training Day

Once Maddalena confirmes Tyron involvement in the nearby plant, Cammy and Chun-Li are immediately on their way to blow it up and I receive the great honor of joining their expedition: it's Ass-Kicking time! While Cammy takes on the front of the installation and creating a devastating diversive, Chun-Li infiltrates the heart of the structure, my mission: covering her work while she plants the bombs. Two waves of enemies are not enough for the Rage that this story fueled in me and I crash them all! The three of us leave the plant as winners as the explosions sign our soundtrack... Once again... The Day is Saved!
