!! Secret Mission !!

The Scorpion King

The Scorpion King

The Scorpion King

This week Special Episode is "Scarlet Cobras, New Era Legionnaires: The Scorpion King". In this Episode, as science tries to reveal a dangerous secret, death sweeps over the members of an archeological expedition and their secrets die with them... But terror is just waiting in the dark to strike again and, when the sands of time are turned, they expose a  freightening truth buried in them... That's when the young Sion will have to unravel a great puzzle, before it's too late, before the balance of the dead and the living is forever shifted. Follow his steps in this amazing adventure searching for a truth that is best forgotten than remembered, in search of what the ancient lore of Egypt hides in its folds and in its sands.
The Scorpion King, a scoarching adventure in the arid and deadly deserts of Egypt, leading to forbidden secrets which wait for unawary explorers to swallow; a story about a young man and his unasked questions finding unexpected answers. The Scorpion King, come meet Sion's Fate by his side and see if you are ready for yours!