"Every Mission requires objectives to be
accomplished in order to succed; usually such objectives are divided
into two categories: this is the second one. Secondary Objectives comes
in two kinds: those that are considered optional for their triviality
and those considered so difficult to attain that their fullfillement
is a hope at best. In the first case, you have the possibility of
attaining success in a side-quest which would bring agevolation the
the Squad at some degree, although it is not so essential, in the
latter case, instead, you must try to reach an important goal that is
however considered to be out of your reach unless you perform really
well. The Secondary Objectives fullfillement always brings a Reward
upon you in the form of Credits, so, trying
your best is the fastest route to stocking up lots of credits. Remeber,
however, that, as the name implies, such objectives are Secondary,
this means that there are some others that are Primary
and, as such, you should try not to jeopardize your true goals only
for your lust for credits" |