...Here Comes Trouble...

Members Involved

Lara (Luna) Kain (Omega) Sion (Anubis) Priss (NeoExtasys) Lucifer (Trouble Man)

Mission Relator
The One who filled the Report: Maddalena

"Well, this is something I thought I'd never see! That little hellish brat named Lucifer does have something resemblig an heart in the end! Well, vaguely resembling an heart maybe... He's got a cute face, allright, but I don't think I'd like his courtship anymore after seeing his idea of romance..."


Part 1: The Devil's Paw

Trying to accurately describe the pups' first steps in Miami with meaningful concepts is beyond my even gifted abilities. In fact, this was the very first time they had to deal with Lucifer during an official mission; up to now they just met him a couple of times in the rare moments he wanders one of our HQs. I must say that even in these circustances he results a little obnoxious, showing at all times that disquieting grin and always interjecting with a joke no matter what you talk about. On the job, however, thing are catastrophically worse. While being the best hitman I ever hired, he sticks only to his rules and won't listen to any suggestion or directions. The few times in my life I found myself in real danger are his own doing: he is just not satisfied if things are going too smoothly and would do anything (and I mean anything) to spice up the situation: including drawing fire on his own comerades (ME in the above mentioned situations) to see how they get themselves out of trouble.
Of course, this was the fate of our rookies too... I must admit I had a certain degree of fun watching them deal with our little Psycho: naive has they are, once they got to Miami they did what any normal person supposed to look for someone would do: they called Lucifer to ask what was going on...

Part 2: April Fools

Alas, thinking that something so logical could work with Lucifer was their undoing... Here in facts begins the longest and least explainable part of their mission: while actually being able to reach Lucifer, they trusted him when he agreed to meet them on the beach on the following day...................
How shall I explain this? Without laughing, that is....
Well, I'd just go straight to the point: The rookies waited for him to show up on the Miami Exlusive VIP Beach and our dear Troubleman did get there... He got there, riding a fully loaded fuel tank truck (no, not driving, riding) and chased by  Ninjas (Yeah, you got it right.... Ninjas.... they too on the truck...)... Oh, did I mention that he somehow menaged to drive the truck into the VIP building near the beach? And did I mention that the resulting explosion was the news headline for almost two weeks? Of course, no civilian casualities (how he manages to do this it's always the most amazing part...) but he was able to follow on this disaster into a burning beach shoot-out with some mob thugs... (Please, please, don't ask me what were mobsters doing on that beach at that time, Ok? Nothing of this makes sense to me in the first place... I mean... Ninjas... Come on!! Give me a brake!!)
After the poor little pups barely survived the onslaught, he evasively answered some of their questions suggesting he was following some important lead and that if they wanted to find out what was going on they had to meet him again in another place and at another time. Being their first dealing with Lucifer, the youngsters just believed that he really meant what he said... Unfortunately for them, Lucifer never means what he says and the next appointment just turned out to be another full blown devastation plan... and then there was another... and another one... and another one too... Until the rookies started realizing that maybe, just maybe, there was no important lead and Lucifer was just fooling them... But one named after the Devil itself would never do such a thing... Or would he?

Part 3: Fiancee

The pups' perseverance (and stamina) however proved to be useful in the end as, perhaps out of pity, Lucifer gave them a last lead about a TV Studio. The team got there ready to get blastd again into a full scale war... But nothing happened... Instead they found a large group of adoloscent girls partecipating in God knows what kind of TV show: it was some kind of entertainement show where young never seen before girls got an opportunity to show their talent by singing or dancing. I must say that I would quite expect to find Lucifer in such a place, knowing his weakness for beautiful girls, but he was nowhere to be seen. However, while investigating, the rookies came across a girl who seemed to know our little Devil. She claimed she knew the young man with white hair the pups were talking about and that he was her Fiancee.... The team showered the girl with questions, trying to figure out what kind of game Lucifer was playing, but before they got any conclusive clue, the Troubleman himself showed his face...
Questioned privately about this "fiancee" and what was the point of this sharade, Lucifer just went on playing dumb and and insisted saying that he just fell madly in love and that he would not leave Miami since he wanted to stay close to the girl..........
When I was asked my opinion on the subject, I just had to try my best not to laugh my face off: if a truck full of ninjas was almost unbelievable, Lucifer falling in love was bordering science-fiction... I suggested to look deeper into the matter and into the show, suggesting that Lucifer was using the girl as an excuse to freely get inside and outside the TV studios...

Part 4: From Japan with Love

Investigating the Show brought good results as the rookies semmed to uncover the involvement of the mob in the local show-business. This would not have been of any interest if not for the fact that the Mafia seemed to have connections with Tyron itself. All this information was gleaned also thanks to a beautiful lady hailing from Japan: a pop singer called Priss Asagiri. In fact, beside being an Idol touring the USA, this girl turned out to be an old Lucifer acquaintance. She too was tracking some strange dealing, like she was a P.I. or something and seemed to be a little too much aware of the supernatural background involved in this case. Anyway, with her help the rookies were able to close on the target: a mafia boss who planned on using the TV show girls as unaware test subjects for one of the many samples of Tyron mutogenic drug. Cornered by our assault he tried to have his men recover and destroy every proof by buring the TV studio to the ground.

Part 5: Show....Down

While our team members were countering the foul plan, Lucifer staged his own little play: in front of the little girl that claimed to be his fiancee (and of our own rookies) he let one of the drug powered thugs shoot him to death. Shocked by her lover death the girl fell to the ground, the killer turning his attention toward her; the pups tried to go to her rescue, but a strange force field pushed them back leaving the girl alone to face her personal nightmare. She awakened from the shock only when Priss broke in and began fighting the Thug: at that point something got over the girl and she began fighting bravely ignoring pain and fear to help Priss overcome their opponent. In the end the girls were able to kill the thug, a remarkable feat for two human girls I must say, especially taking into account that Lucifer's "fiancee" did not posess any kind of training... 
The opponent defeated, the force field collapsed and the rookies could come to their rescue thanking Priss and immediately getting the girl out of the place before police could come and ask too many questions. The guys tell me she looked really broken hearted realizing her fiancee was forever lost, but it seemed that such an orrible experience stripped her of her innocence but also woke her up from the world of lies the Showbusiness accostumed her to. In her own words: "Slowly, I am learning to fight".
Of course, our dear Lucifer was far from dead and once she left the stage he got up alright: it seemed he did this on purpose to "repay" the girl of her unknowing help in this matter... I guess she would just have preferred a night at the disco, but when you are dealing with the Devil... Anyhow, things were solved in the end even if hearts were broken and proprieties damaged by this kid absurd sense of humor (I mean: Ninjas!!)... The Mafia dealings were overthrown and Tyron retired in front of the great commotion that followed. 
I set up a beautiful funeral ceremony for our white haired Casanova: the girl being its only attendant and the priest spelling out words of praise for this restless soul... I must admit that the young lady really seemed to care for her lost lover... And maybe, just maybe, looking Lucifer in the eye as he looked at the scene from a distance, I could say that he cared too...
