The Zooanthropes (from the union of the Greek
words that mean Animal and Man) are a most ancient breed of creature able to change their
shape between that of a human and that of an animal and vice versa. Once upon a time, they
could very well have been Earth (better known as Gaia) warriors, those that lived in tight
contact with nature, representing its essential principles in their duty as mediators
between the Wild and the Civilized; in all Ages, legends were filled by rumors telling of
strange creatures that fused animal and human characteristics, mankind has always feared
(even if not always correctly) the creatures that called themselves Zooanthropes, but
their existence always lived in shadows filling mankinds nightmares and dreams of
It was due to these Dreams that the once flourishing, albeit hidden,
Zooanthropic civilization met its fall; with the passing of time the contact that this
creatures had with the Planet swung low due to the proliferation of creatures like human
beings and other Breeds of Darkness, and soon they also began to loose their identity as
Gaias Guardians, diminishing up to the point of being of tribes lost around the
world that were considered just like other monstrous races by mankind. It was due to this
very humans that the darkest period of the Zooanthropes came upon them, in fact by the
time that mankind had control over magic, a sect of great power and knowledge learned the
secret of the Zooanthropes existence and understanding which power this secret brought
with it, they tried to seize it. Luckily for mankind and the world in general, Gaias
blessing could not be gained through any arcane ritual, this way neglecting to the members
of this sect the possibility of becoming invincible creatures with unlimited arcane
powers; but they did not let their ambition wane for this first failure, the humans
changed their objectives and decided to use the Zooanthropes power by enslaving it,
instead of seizing it themselves, it was for this reason that, after years of studies and
rituals, the sect could complete a ritual that made them able to control the proud
creatures called Zooanthropes. And so, the creatures that once were Gaias
descendants became the material executioner, the pawns of greedy human sorcerers with
world domination intentions: Zooanthropes, since the most ancients days, wished success in
their undertakings by mean of a mystical phrase: Fythos Lusec Wecos Vinosec. It meant
"May the Light in the Darkness never Stop Shining ", to point out their role as
creature of darkness feared and despised by human beings who knew, nonetheless, they had
to further a crusade for the purest ideals whose banner had to be held high in the heart
of the very darkness they had to fight. The sorcerers too had a secret language that they
used for their secret Sabbath, which they used to leave legacy of their sorceries dark
secrets, in their language, that they had constructed by the analysis of the fragments of
the ancient texts regarding the Zooanthropes that were written in forgotten age, such
phrase was instead translated as: "May the Heart of Darkness never Stop
Beating", meaning that evil, however hidden, however hunted would have lived forever
In time, the sect grew in power, unchallenged, thanks to the use of
Zooanthropes power, but it understood the necessity of remaining hidden from the people
eyes, but, above all, form those of other creatures of the night, that, while despising
the idealistic Zooanthropes, could have feared that, as they enslaved the Zooanthropes,
the sect could have tried with them too, consequently leading the creatures of darkness to
attack the sect. Zooanthropes instead, lost their pride and their ancient history, hidden
by the sect in order to crush their identity even more, and young Zooanthropes grew with
the manipulated idea of being born and bred only to serve the sect members, but with time,
someone tried to rebel against this and, albeit there were very few cases, someone managed
to escape and to return to Gaias blessing. While the dark ages came to an end, the
sect power began to fall, in fact, in all these centuries, sorcery never could disclose
the secret of the Zooanthropic birth, nor it could, even if the attempts never ceased,
give the power of Gaia to those born human, for this reason, all the Zooanthropes serving
the sect were brood in captivity, like animals in the zoos, the slaves in work camps, but,
due to the rising hysteria inside the sect for a possible mass rebellion, such breedings
became fewer and fewer and purges happened more often, until the creatures in the sect
service were not very few indeed
With the rising of the modern era, the sect mutated
in Corporation to better adapt to the capitalistic system that was growing in the world
and brought to its service science that fused with its sorceries to expand even more its
power. Soon, Tyron Corporation became involved in drug traffic and in the dirtiest
businesses in the order to gather founds to further its dark experiments, getting
nearer and nearer to the secret of the Zooanthropes
And just in this timespan that
began the story of