Almost immediately the entity tried to bargain with
me offering power... Power beyond my imagination if I'd free "her"
(I use the feminine pronoun for her voice sounded more female than male).
I obviously refused, since even her voice sounded menacing, so she asked
me for "The Sword" which was stolen from her. I asked "What
sword?" and my ignorance seemed to surprise her: she said I still had
the smell of the thief on myself, so I should have seen the sword already.
Dumbfounded on my own part and sure I never saw any kind of sword since I
landed in Japan, I asked if there wasn't anything else I could exchange
for some littlte new trick... A bit upset, she said she would gladly eat
some pain... This thing was starting to piss me off and I began thinking
that, hidden in some shadow, Lucifer was just playing one of his pranks on
me. But I had to rethink that once she agreed to show me her good will...
She asked if I'd care to trade the power to feel the Chi Lines for my
blindness... in the sense that she'd give me such power and I'd loose my
blindness... Even if I smelled a rat I played along and accepted what
sounded like a too good trade to be true. A rush of energy came over me
and... I was suddenly able to see! On top of that, I could really feel the
presence of Chi in the surrounding! But the surprises did not end there: I
almost immediately found out that my eyes were still blind, but I was able
to see because a Third One appeared on my forehead! This seems to be a
permanent deformity, but... Who cares? It looks cool!
Astounded by the Fox's display of power I decided to follow her instructions
to get more marvelous gifts. She thus proceeded to send me to a couple of
missions. How this worked is still unclear to me: we were not sent to
accomplish anything, we just had to get to some place and wait on the
spot. Well, something was obviously amiss because both times incredible
things happened. The first time I ran into nonethrless than my dear friend
Svetlana! I thought the time had come for a hasty retreat, but instead she
just stood there, sitting at a table outside a bistrot, without any interest
in me. Even if uncomfortable I contacted her directly to understand what
was going on, but all I could glean was that after the operation
we led in Italy, she lost almost completely her interest in me, although
it was not clear what she was looking for at the time and if she was still working
for Tyron. Svetlana left and I had nothing better to do than go back to
the fox. She seemed satisfied (I did not know about what) and invested me
with the some kind of psychometric power... And asked me if I wanted more.
What could I say? Up to that point it had just been a piece of cake, so:
on with the show! |