Damocle's Sword
Members Involved |
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Mission Relator |
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Part 1: The Quiet before the Storm |
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Just before leaving the head quarters, an accident
happened in the near jetmarket and Prisma
is forced to kill the robber. Her spirit swinged low, but, I was
already leaving and I also didnt feel I could help her solving
her doubts. This helplessness in the end was the push I needed to leave with a deeper strength
of will. Informing Gado about my intentions
and insights I sensed his understanding: while he saw the dangers in
my journey, he let me leave: I thought it was strange and in fact
while I was waiting by the bus stop, Im reached by Diana
who was charged with my safekeeping. I guessed Gado wanted both of
us to learn something from the others presence.
The bus took us north, beyond USA borders, in Canada, where I set up to meet with an old friend who already helped me before I joined the Scarlet Cobras: he is an American Native, and he could take me to the first step of my journey, an old tribe where people can still understand what a spirit is. Our fist stop was in a Cafeteria along the way: serving in there, we met a fat lady with a knack for insults and a bad taste for blind people; we were objects of her jokes until we left and while I did not care much, Diana seemed quite upset by such rudeness. Anyway, we endured and waited for my contact. Once he got there, he wished to know in which troubles I was and if he could really help more: alas, I could not explain. We left the cafeteria/motel together on his car and moved further in the North, under his guidance. As soon as we left the parking lot, however, the fat womans car blew up leaving nothing where it stood That was an awfully strange coincidence Lucifers Note: That was not a Coincidence, as Damocle thought: it was me, who blew up the car, so that the Fatty could have something funnier to laugh upon Strangely, I did not see that dumb grin on her fat face anymore |
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Part 2: Tovarish... |
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We neared our destination and we had to
stop for the night in a little town, near the woods and in hillside zone.
During the night I experienced dreams of destruction which got me
up, trembling: I knew they where not just dreams. Diana was awake
too and she felt a strong presence of Evil in the air, we understood
we were in a trap. While she got the equipment and our guide, I reached
for the hotel reception, but that was a bad move
Waiting for
me, there were some men, Tyrons lackey, probably, and their
chief: a tall man who I later knew by the name of Alexiei. He was
undeniably a Zooanthrope, not a natural one, but one engineered by
Tyrons labs, and from his strength I could understand that his
"Assembling" was quite perfect
while she could easily
handle the troops, Diana could not face this man alone
And I
did not wish to use violence
However, I failed. I tried to parley, but he did not want to listen. I tried to intimidate him with the death he would have faced had he injured me, but he was sure he could defeat me. I tried to escape, but he ran faster. I tried to trick them, but they were too many and too well trained and coordinated. Thus they captured us Still I did not want to injure anyone, but they caught and badly injured Diana, and threatened her life. I thought all was lost when, suddenly, Diana slipped from Alexieis grab by turning in a Bee Swarm, and I caught the occasion for fleeing as fast as I could. It wasnt enough, Alexiei reached me in no time and struck me at full strength in his Crinos Form I could no longer contain the Beast and it killed them all Without any mercy All was left was their bloodstains, the injured Diana and Me Deeply scarred inside, my thoughts ran back to Prisma and her bad adventure I did not feel so good about all this, why could I not avoid this Bloodshed? Besides, on the practical side, if Tyron was still on our tracks, they did see my best move in action and their next attack would have been merciless. Lucifers Note: What a pity, well someone had to die, anyway. Lucky Damocle it was not himself and Diana, Lucky me I was spared the nuisance of blasting them all and all I had to do was stop that silver bullet from killing Diana and suggesting her to morph into the swarm before the Tovarish crushed her nice body |
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Part 3: The Ancestors Teachings |
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Thankfully, my friend wasnt injured in
the accident since he was far away when all went wrong. However, this
event only frightened him more and just added more unanswered questions.
He anyway took me to the village, where I met some old Natives. They
were unfriendly in the beginning, since they thought we were
the typical tourists they had seen over and over again. However, the tribe chief
had to be someone really special, since he could feel something different
about us, especially about Diana
this in the end convinced him
to give me the possibility of showing that I was much more than
a mere tourist and, thanks to my powers, I showed him I was someone
worth teaching (without of course revealing our true nature). He took
us still deeper into the snowy wilderness, to his old tribe, where
he was just a warrior. There, the real tribe chief seemed to be aware of
our coming but we had to convince him once again anyway. The demonstration
appealed him and he decided to teach me the secrets of the spirits.
Here I raised my communion with Nature and her spirits and I also
entered the Dream Lands where I could incarnate the Beast for the
first time while retaining my own will. |
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Part 4: Mystery |
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Once the time to leave had come, we prepared
ourselves for the journey to the nearest port-town by sled. However,
Tyron was not far away, they waited for our departure and then seized
up with us. Just in the middle of a snowy plain An helicopter landed
in front of us, and from there got off the very leader of the retrieval
squad sent after me, Svetlana Kovachevich. Her intent was not to stop me, she instead laid a different trap: she sent her men
to the near touristic village and ordered to kill all people in town.
She let me free to escape or go back and save the village, or
I could simply stop it all be giving myself up to be "retrieved".
Anyway, I would have lost. If I ran away, all the people in town would
have died. If I went back, I would have had to kill Tyrons Soldiers
once again unleashing the wild Beast. And if I gave up, I would have
probably put the Scarlet Cobras in mortal danger. I decided firmly
of running away, valuing it as the lesser evil among them, but Diana
insisted she could not let those people die without trying to stop
the soldiers and so much she did and so much she said that in the
end I had to follow her (she would have gone there even without me).
Once we got there, the village was deserted, no sign of civilians,
all the soldiers dead in their blood
nobody around to tell the
Svetlana reached us in town and seemed to be as much in the dark as we were about what happpened, but she grinned and thought that I unleashed the Beast
again and went away
That was not the case, however
I had
the worst feeling that another with such a Wild Spirit as mine could
be on our tracks, unknowingly to Svetlana
Anyway, I could not
explain why, but I felt relieved
Maybe it was because Diana
did not have to stain her innocence with so much blood
But was
this a good reason for being happy about the death of so many people
even if they were on the wrong side?
Lucifers Note: Or Maybe was it because he was spared from staining his hands too? Nobody wants to kill, but when you are threatened and hurt, then you are suddenly happy when someone "Bad" or "Evil" comes and kills all of your problems. And if he is Handsome and Cool like me, well, thats just a bonus Anyway, once again I had to save their "innocent" butts, even if I was surprised that such a cute little girl came back to do the mens work. It was a pleasure nonetheless to kick some sorry Tyrons asses anyway. |
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Part 5: It's a Kind of Magic |
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Our next destination was the old tradition that
wanted the medicians of the Philippines to be healers with nearly
magical powers. We then got to the islands and looked for a guide
to lead us in the depths of the jungles. Even there we found much
fakes and charlatans, last but not least our translator, a man that
believed he was some kind of Crocodile Dundee of the Philippines and
who tried to make us believe the worst shit (among other things, he not so
subtly suggested he was one of the mythological Leopard-men that should
be roaming the forests
) Anyway we got to an old village were
a real healer was present, with yet another demonstration of our "Superior
Blood" we acquired the trust of the man and he let me observe
his healing abilities for a long time. Concentrating all of my efforts
I learned there what magic means. That done, I decided to leave for
my Final Destination: Tibet, the top of the World. |
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Part 6: Final Destination |
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After a troubled trip to China, we were finally
able to take the way to Tibet, where we hoped to find a place of meditation.
Unfortunately, a snow storm ravaged the mountaintop, forcing all the
ascets to wait in a nearby village. There, many people from all over
the world congregated, waiting for their chance to visit the meditation
place. There were ascets from India, Buddhist from India and Japan,
Shintoist Priests, Zen Samurais and also a Catholic nun (Sister Giulietta)
and a Franciscan Monk from Italy. While the snowstorm raged, I enjoyed
the company of the other travelers, talked much with them, especially
with the Italian Nun: she seemed convinced of what I always believed
and perhaps was even surer than me, believing in the Divine Providence
above all else and that living completely at peace and fleeing violence
in any form was the only way to please God and to help this world.
While with the recent events I came to doubt such truths, her faith
seemed so strong and pure that I was once again put at a loss. Anyway
the Storm ceased and I could reach my destination. With much effort
I could enter a new realm of senses and commune better with my inner
perceptions. The time had come to go back to where we came from
Or so I thought
I was instead nearing the true end of my searching:
my Final Destination. Coming back to the village, all was burned down and the Tyron Soldiers were storming the place; just as I was trying to figure out what to do, an helicopter landed and Svetlana came out: all my escape routes were sealed. I wished to call upon Dianas help, but Svetlana informed me that my fellow comrade was also a primary objective in her list, so I ordered Diana to remain hidden. Before my very eyes, all the people in the village were killed, ascets included and, to my great pain, Sister Giulietta was shot right before me Once again I had to face the difficult choice of death and life And Violence And Bloodshed I just wished that all the words of God Giulietta trusted upon could have saved her or make the difference, but In that very moment, a miracle happened, coming to solve my doubts all at once Giuliettas sprit returned to this world, with the majesty and pureness of the Angels she always aspired to. She was pure and repentant and she was rewarded with such elevation And she came back to tell me all of this, to tell me about the wishes of God for its children, the wish for meekness and peace for God would have cared for everything else For it was not our duty nor right to extinguish the lives of our kindred. I believed I reached my enlightenment with such worlds I resolved my spirit into quiet at least for once, quenched the blood lust of my beast under my will But thing went for the worst. I awakened from the vision with a bullet in my guts, bleeding to the ground, my beast unable to leave the confinement I made myself, but, worst of all, I saw Giulietta in front of me, holding the smoking gun, talking to her commander: Svetlana. With a power unknown to me she had my beast chained inside myself and then shot its host body so that it could no longer escape their capture. Svetlana left the field control to Giulietta and left, she had an hostage taken in front of me and asked me for Dianas position: we were at Showdown. I felt that deep inside myself I could still unleash the Beast, but this time it had to be for my own will, my own will to kill, to survive, to save someone, not by chance not something I could reject as "something of the Beast" What to do? Prismas Question extinguish their life or letting Diana and me being captured? Then, I saw And heard I dreamt of a voice wishing me to "breath with her", I saw what would have happened if I had spoken, if I surrendered they would all have died and Tyron would have won, Diana tortured and me captured perhaps forever I cared little for myself, but all those innocents Yet how could I give the way to primal anger and bloodlust? Then I went deeper, and deeper, and deeper, searching for my true self, for my Beast and found it I did... and I Heard it For the first time, I could hear the Beasts voice But it wasnt growling of blood and destruction, it was bleeding in anger and sadness sadness for the lives that were taken, lives that could be spared, lives that could enlighten and make happy many more people. Anger, anger for all the fake words those men said, for all the power they believed to wield, for all the privileges they arrogated themselves, when they were nothing else than the Scum of the Earth The Beast didnt want to hear them anymore, the Beast wanted them to Shut Up forever I Wanted that too. I did not unleash the Beast, I called upon it, and all came to an end. Tyron was defeated and we were saved, able to go back to where we came from, grown beyond what I hoped in my most fabulous dreams; just then, Lucifer revealed himself and explained what had been going on all the time and we thus ended our travel. |
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Part 7: Lucifer's Final Note |
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Well, this was really a pain in the ass, having
to stop all those bullets from killing people and having all them
anyway seem deceased took me a great effort and moreover, I also had
to remain hidden not to spoil such a good finale. Im a bit disappointed
that the young man stole away from me the great ending scene, but
he seems to have understood anyway
By the way, it seems that
Sister Giulietta was the closest thing that Tyron could produce to
an Ancient Breed spirit, however she did not look so much angelic
when she wasnt using her powers, guess she was something like
a bound spirit. Hope it went back were it came from, when Damocle
ripped her open
I just wonder why it takes so long for all of
you to be true to yourselves